NUFORC UFO Sighting 133620

Occurred: 2017-04-13 00:00 Local
Reported: 2017-04-15 18:22 Pacific
Duration: 1 hour
No of observers: 4

Location: Phoenix, AZ, USA

Shape: Cigar
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Color, Electrical or magnetic effects, Possible abduction, Missing Time, Animals reacted

red and yellow, stayed there for 1 whole hour.

My story is very thrilling. My family and i were BBQ in our backyard. We took our seats around our fire pit and started to eat our food. One of us saw a light in the sky. He said, ''Guys! Did you see that?'' We said, ''no, what did you see?'' he said ''it was a light, i don't it was a shooting star it didn't leave a streak. but not only was red and yellow. We stared like it was pulling our leg. suddenly we all saw the red and yellow craft which was a cigar shape. After about 1 it went away. The whole time the crafts were just sitting there and it almost seemed like they were spectating us. We all went to bed thinking it was just military aircrafts. but here is where it gets us (which was a teen girl) said she woke up and heard a rumbling sound in our backyard...she said that she looked out the window and stunned to see little eyes staring at her (directly at her). she also said that that she saw an aircraft but it was very small. It was only about 10 by 4 craft. She ran to her bed and went under her covers and stayed there in till dawn. She didn't sleep at all that night and said in the morning what she saw. we went outside and we were shocked to see a lining of a large circle in the dirt. In till then we all think it was maybe a UFO. so that is why we came to you guys.

Please email me back as soon as you guys can, so i can and my family figure this mystery out. There is much more details to tell. And when you email me back, please tell me if there has been any similar sightings as what i saw.

Posted 2017-04-20

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