NUFORC UFO Sighting 133521

Occurred: 2017-04-10 19:15 Local
Reported: 2017-04-10 20:05 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: South Kingstown, RI, USA

Shape: Light

Star-like object moves slowly across the sky until changing shape and fading out.

I stepped out of the house for a few minutes to view the sky and full moon. A few wispy clouds in a moon lit sky were observed, with some stars visible. As I looked to the north, above my house, I saw what at first I thought was a star.

As I continued to look at it I noticed it was moving slowly in a linear trajectory, NNW to ESE. While keeping my eye on the object it appeared to pick up speed. While doing so the bright round light changed to a more defined 'fuselage' with no wings. It continued on until it slowly extinguished its light and faded out. A possibility is that it went above a lower cloud bank, but I feel that was not the case.

This sighting is very similar to one I had over my house two months ago which I also reported herein. That object, however, was lower in altitude and much brighter.

Both object changed from a round light to an cylindrical light before fading out. No sound was heard from either object, no other lights visible on the craft, and the speed was about that of an aircraft.

Height estimate for this sighting I would have to guess at being 10 to 15 thousand feet, but it was impossible to know for sure. Since I live a few miles from the Atlantic Ocean, the trajectory would take it out over the ocean as it continued.

This area is a 'hot spot' for UFOs for some reason. Other local residents have hesitantly told me of their sightings, when I casually brought up the subject. Some of their stories were quite extraordinary.

Posted 2017-04-13

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