NUFORC UFO Sighting 133505
Occurred: 1983-05-01 21:30 Local - ApproximateReported: 2017-04-09 19:18 Pacific
Duration: 2-3 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Frankfurt (West Germany), , West Germany
Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Lights on object, Possible abduction
Witnessed orange ball of light in night sky, followed by sleepwalking disturbances for several months. 1983, Frankfurt, Germany,
In 1983, I witnessed something in the night sky, while living in Frankfurt, Germany, while standing on our 3rd floor balcony with my mom, just before bed. I have always been fascinated with all things space and love looking at stars, especially on clear nights. In the distance was what I would call an "orange ball of light/sphere", traveling at a very slow rate of speed from left to right.
Thinking back now, I would place it somewhere around 15,000-20,000 ft in the air, and miles away. It moved slowly enough for us to visibly see it, and track the slow progress (pointing at it with my finger and following the path). With a few minutes having past it finally shot at high rate of speed at a completely different angle and disappeared. We were both in a state of amazement and shock, and as a 9 year old full of questions.
For the next 6 months following this event I experienced a trance-like sleepwalking state. It would happen late at night, and got so worrisome that my parents took me in to see a specialist/psychologist. The best description I can give of what I experienced is being a "passenger"...everything visually moving in extremely slow motion, while at the same time hearing what seemed to be a thousand voices (in a frantic manner)...what I would describe as "chatter". Not being able to make out anything in detail, but remembering it being very upsetting while I was in the sleepwalking state. Often a female or softly spoken voice seemed to be planted directly in my head reassuring me that everything would be okay and not to worry. As I had come to learn from my parents the next day they would describe my demeanor as starting in a comatose state, although walking around, and then out of nowhere break into frantic screaming and tears, but unable to wake me from it.
After months of seeing the specialist nothing seemed to change, and then all of a sudden it just stopped. I had never felt that sensation before, but when I was 17 years old (1991, living in Columbus, OH) I felt an odd sense of deja vu late one evening, although awake this time. The sensation felt a bit like telepathy, I heard the same "chatter", and for what seemed to be 15-20 seconds I was once again a "passenger". Since I was awake I tried to make sense of what I was feeling, but it seemed far beyond any sense of normal comprehension. Since then I haven't experienced anything similar, but throughout the years have experienced dreams that seem more like visions, and as of late have experienced the beginning stages of what could be considered Astral Projection while meditating.
Witness indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. PD
Posted 2017-04-13
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