NUFORC UFO Sighting 13298
Occurred: 2000-06-20 22:15 LocalReported: 2000-07-04 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 1-1.5 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Raymondville, MO, USA
Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Aircraft nearby
At 10.15 pm, I was outside smoking, and noticed a white object traveling from southeast to the northwest. This object was about the size of a BB held a foot from your face. The craft looked as if it were white hot. It was traveling at a great speed. As it neared the completion of my viewing, it passed a comm. airliner, and then flew straight into a severe storm cloud. These cloud according to the local radar were 45-50 thousand tops. The craft did not fly below or above them. It flew into this system, that the airliner was flying around. I am 43 years old, never seen a ufo until now. I hold dual college degrees, am a NOAA severe weather spotter, a space science buff, am very familiar with all type of aircraft, until I seen this. I was always of the opinion, that all of these ufo sightings could be explained scientifically, again until now. I hae lived in the rural part of Mo. all of my life, and have spent many may hours looking into the nigt sky, but until now I have never put much stock in the ufo sightings. I also have spent many hours watching Satellites going over, and this damn sure was not a Satellite.
Posted 2000-07-11
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