NUFORC UFO Sighting 130129

Occurred: 2016-09-20 20:00 Local
Reported: 2016-09-22 01:38 Pacific
Duration: 15-20 minutes
No of observers: 3

Location: Assumption, MI, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby

Two objects standing still then circling, one disappeared then the forest lit up far in the distance no blinking ligh resembled firebal

My family and I were coming from Hillsdale, Michigan, heading to Toledo, Ohio. We were somewhere before Assumption. At first we thought these two objects were stars.These object stayed in the same position in the sky much of the time untill we saw one of them dissappear. We thought maybe they were far away helicopters. The second one came back into view. They traded places by moving in a counter clockwise circle. They got brighter and dimmer. When they were bright they looked almost like a lantern or a flare. They had no blinking lights. After the second one disappeared the other one became very bright like it caught on fire and stayed in the same position. We were driving 65 mph approximately, but we never seemed to be driving away from them, that was why at first we thought they were stars. The one that disappeared from view the first time became visible again.

At first it was dim and then it was very bright like the other one. It then disappeared from view again. My husband, my daughter and I all were trying to continually view them through the forest. When we came to a place where the closer trees were cleared we could see in the distance a great lit up area that was emitting light from the ground like a stadium would but brighter. This area came from a huge area of forest. The light was so white it looked blueish, almost like a florescent light. As we got close to Toledo we stopped at a road construction stop light close to town, and we could tell that the object was moving slowly to the side, from the position it was over the tree tops. It did not get less bright as it moved, like it was moving farther away, it also did not get brighter. It moved very slow. I wanted to get a closer look, he did not. We began to quarrel over going to get a closer look or not. He drove into the outskirts of Toledo and during the time of the argument I lost sight of the object. When I looked back all I could find was what I thought was a star.

Posted 2016-09-22

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