NUFORC UFO Sighting 128606
Occurred: 2016-07-20 04:23 LocalReported: 2016-07-20 10:53 Pacific
Duration: 20 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Fayetteville, NC, USA
Shape: Flash
Characteristics: Lights on object, Left a trail
Unknown jerky flying red and blue flashing object seen high in the sky.
A red and blue flashing light seen, thought at first to be a plane, but it moved in jerky motions. The object would travel forward a short distance, then move up and down, taking an abrupt sideways movement. It reminded me of how a bumblebee moves from flower to flower, then hovers staying within a certain zone. It would continuously move in the same type pattern. You could see a small trail behind it as it moved about. I watched for a while before going back to bed.
In order to have a witness, I woke up my 18 year old son. He and I both looked at it together before I went back to my room to watch it some more.
Posted 2016-07-22
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