NUFORC UFO Sighting 12630
Occurred: 1990-07-01 22:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2000-04-15 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Mankato, MN, USA
Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Left a trail, Aircraft nearby
my girfriend and i saw an opaque outline of an oval elongated object with lights foreward, midship and aft dissappear within an instant with no sound of any kind.
my girfriend and i were returning home at about sunset when we heard the loud noise coming from a propeller plane overhead. we stopped on an open outside porch waiting to see the plane clear our roof line so we could determine if it was in trouble. the plane cleared our roof line at less than 1000 ft so i thought it was either in trouble or may be trailing a lighted sign for us to see. neither seems to be the case but as we looked at the plane going from east to west we noticed south from our house an opaque shape. the object was about 60 feet long by 30 plus feet high narrower and the ends than the middle with lights fore, aft and midship. what we really mnoticed was the absence of lights coming from an adjacent street or the four floors of our hospital we normally see or the lights from a 10 story apartment bldg our vision was being blocked by something. we stared at the object and felt we were being watched but neither of us felt afraid. we could not grasp what our eyes were seeing it just would not register. it is as if you were looking at a puzzle to solve and need a lot of time to solve it after 3 to 5 minutes of us staring at it and looking back at the noisy plane trying to make sense of anything. we kept returning to the object again and again as if each time we refocused it would make sense. within an instant, this does not adequatly describe the spped. within a millesecond all we could see was a trail of the three lights we noticed stretching for over a mile in the sky. at that momemnt we knew we had come accross something out of anything our mind could accept. there no sound when it left, no noise from the leaves on the trees and bushes which wee near. no noise at all except from that noisy plane which had turned from east to west to west to east from the south. the other uneplainable was when we first started looking at the object there was a beautiful sunset and when it left the sunset was gone and it was dark. strange yet was the noisy plane was alwys in ear shot with us it never left us. my girlfriend and me wrote each other notes about waht we saw without dicussing it in detail that night. our notes comapre exactly with the primary emphasis on the speed and no noise. while lokking at the object we kept ying to each " what is this" " what are we seeing" each time we would both say i don't now. the next day we thought we would contact our local airport to see if we could track down the pilot of the noisy plane but decided not to draw attention to ourselves. however, later the next day while listening to our radio while washing our cars we heard a live broadcast of a sherrif chasinfg a ufo in another county. never heard another word after this. i would appreciate any kind of response either affirming this report or explaining it away. thanks
Posted 2000-04-15
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