NUFORC UFO Sighting 125130
Occurred: 2016-01-06 03:00 LocalReported: 2016-01-06 01:01 Pacific
Duration: 5:00
No of observers: 1
Location: Carolina Beach, NC, USA
Shape: Other
Characteristics: Lights on object
Name of photo: Reddish-orange lights sighted at Carolina Beach, January 6, 2016.
Description and date of incident: The photo was taken on 1/5/16 approximately between 2-3AM Eastern Standard Time.
Location: The ocean horizon of Carolina Beach, North Carolina, in front of the boardwalk.
The red-amber colored lights blinked off and on all night long until the sun came up (no craft, just lights). Note: This picture was taken on a tripod, as well as, time exposed due to nighttime visibility. I tried using a cell phone but it would not work because it was too dark.
I can rule out any identifiable structures (boat/other) related to the lights seen. I'm not sure what this is? The lights appeared separated but together (no identifiable structure associated with it) at the same time and followed a sequencing of left to right and then right to left repeatedly until the sun came up.
Posted 2016-01-08
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