NUFORC UFO Sighting 124529

Occurred: 2015-12-04 23:30 Local
Reported: 2015-12-05 13:07 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Portland, OR, USA

Shape: Other
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Colo

Strange moving multicolored diamond shape over Gresham, Oregon.

Was sitting with my husband in our backyard. At first I thought it was an airplane flying towards the Portland airport. I don’t have good vision. I had my glasses on, but I'm near sighted, so all I saw at first was a large white light with small yellow and blue lights, and just thought it was an airplane.

Then the little lights changed to yellow and purple, then back to blue and yellow a few times. Then it took a 90 degree turn quite quickly and turned completely red while doing so. At this point I thought maybe it was a drone or a military aircraft.

My husband got up and turned around to look at this time. There was no sound except sort of a high pitched pulsing sound. My husband described it later as kind of like air moving? He heard it low pitched, I heard it high pitched. Sort of like a “waow waow waow”. We both kind of felt the sound too, like a wave.

It kept moving on it’s new path, then took another 90 degree turn and suddenly sped up towards the horizon and disappeared over the roof of the house we were next to.

It was sort of diamond or hexagon shaped with a flat bottom I think. It was parallel to the horizon the whole time.

It could very well has just been a drone someone was flying around, but whatever it was it was weird.

Posted 2015-12-10

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