NUFORC UFO Sighting 122279

Occurred: 2015-09-23 00:00 Local
Reported: 2015-09-26 08:59 Pacific
Duration: 5 hours
No of observers: 2

Location: Mansfield (UK/England), , United Kingdom

Shape: Changing
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted beams, Changed Color, Aircraft nearby, Electrical or magnetic effects, Missing Time, Marks found on body afterwards

100's of ufos!!!!! Different shapes sizes and colours

At around midnight, on September 23rd, me and my friend noticed two bright lights in the sky, we have been seeing these lights for over three months now and we have also seen a few others similar, we believe in ufos and we have experienced some crazy things in these three months, including power cuts and huge green beams through my window when these 'lights' are in the sky. This night/morning was very different though. We started noticing that what we thought were stars were actually hovering about the sky really fast, and there were so many of them, then saucer shaped lights were moving across the sky, There was hundreds of them as the morning went on, it got to about 3:30am and we went outside and looked up and we could see actual spaceships, it was unreal!! There was flashing lights everywhere, ufos everywhere!! We haven't spoken to anybody about it be because we don't know who to talk to, we have video and photo evidence and we are still very much in shock! !! While it was happening we felt very dizzy and unwell. This isn't the first time we have experienced a sighting, but it's the first time we have seen 100's at a time! We saw people walking around the neighbourhood at the time and tried stopping them to ask them to look up at the sky, but the walked past us and ignored us... It all felt so surreal, like a dream!! We really need somebody to talk to about this! Please. Contact me ((number deleted)).

Posted 2015-09-29

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