NUFORC UFO Sighting 120011

Occurred: 2015-07-02 22:00 Local
Reported: 2015-07-03 23:25 Pacific
Duration: 2 hours

Location: Livonia, MI, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object

Four stationary lights visible for two hours off Seven Mile Road, and Newburgh, in Livonia Michigan-July 2, 2015-10:p.m.-12:00a.m.

At 10:00 p.m. on July 2, 2015, I noticed four very low lights that could be seen to the northwest of Livonia, Michigan, off of Seven Mile Road and Newburgh. They looked to be over the Northville, or Farmington Hills, area.

There were two larger lights in front that seems to be pulsating. In the back, were two more smaller round lights that didn't seem to be pulsating.

I went inside to get my parents. We could not make the shape out of the craft. The four lights possibly being two large ones in the front of the craft, and two smaller ones in the back of the craft. It was visible for about two hours.

At 12:30 a.m., on July 3, I checked back outside, after going inside for a half hour, and the lights were finally gone. They were stationary for two hours, and no one else seemed to be outside viewing the lights in our area, they were very visible and unlike anything we have ever seen, in person, in our lifetime. It resembled lights we had seen in previous UFO footage aired on television programs.

Posted 2015-07-06

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