NUFORC UFO Sighting 119990
Occurred: 2015-07-03 22:15 LocalReported: 2015-07-03 20:41 Pacific
Duration: 6 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Bangor and Bloomingdale (between), MI, USA
Shape: Formation
Characteristics: Lights on object
5 Steady Pink/Red Lights in Zig-Zag Formation
Was heading west on M-43 Highway, from Kalamazoo to Bangor. Saw formation of 5 non-blinking red/pink lights in a zig-zag formation in the sky.
Lights were to the left-side of M-43 Highway near 40th Street.
Traveled along 40th Street about 3 miles and lights moved in a slow-steady path.
Turned the car around and drove past several trees, lights were gone once we got back to M-43.
Posted 2015-07-06
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