NUFORC UFO Sighting 119419

Occurred: 2015-06-08 21:30 Local
Reported: 2015-06-08 19:45 Pacific
Duration: 30 minutes
No of observers: 3

Location: Kissimmee, FL, USA

Shape: Orb
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

Six orange globes grouped in three South of Kissimmee, FL.

I was sitting on my back porch around 9:30 and noticed 3 orange orbs glowing from the South. I figured it was a plane since I live close to the Orlando airport but when I looked again about 10 min later there were 6 orange globes grouped in 3. The 3 on the right formed a triangle, 2 in the back and 1 in front. The 3 on the left were in a straight horizontal line.

I then went inside to tell my parents to come outside to see it but when we came back out the 3 orbs in a straight line were gone. We stared at the remaining orbs for about 5 minutes and then one by one they started blinking and then disappeared.

We sat outside trying to explain what we just saw and then my dad pointed out that they were back. We went to the roof to get a better view. This time they looked further away and there were only 2 of them, it lasted less than 5 minutes and they were gone again. I managed to take a picture of the 6 that I saw but since it was dark and I took it from my phone it’s a little blurry. When I went on the roof my mom handed me her camera and I was able to record it.

Posted 2015-06-15

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