NUFORC UFO Sighting 11784
Occurred: 1991-11-23 22:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2000-01-23 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 22:05
No of observers: 2
Location: Salem, MO, USA
Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object
The craft hovered above car for 3 to 5 minutes staying directly 30-50 feet in front of the car above the road. Lowed itself infront of a house and began to eccelerate, dodging in and out of trees and finally disappearing over the horizone.
My cousin and I were going home from my girlfriend house at 10:00PM driving down highway "H" going East. I was driving and my cousin was commenting on the sky in which he noticed an object coming Northeast toward us. At first glance we thought it was a plane because there was a small airport for personal prop planes to the southwest of us. I then told my cousin that it was nothing to worry about. The plane looked as if it was coming in at a slow rate of speed. It then began to speed up keeping the same distance from the ground. So I told my cousin that it looked to me like it was getting ready to crash. We were about a 1/4th of a mile from the object and as we watched it in fear thinking it was going to crash into a field on the southwest side of us. I decided to speed up to an approximately 70-80 miles per hour to get a closer look at it. As it came over the highway it slowed down to a complete stop, where it sat motionless. By this time we were about 20 yards and came to a screaching hault about 10 yards from it, in which the car engined stauled. The object was about 30 feet in the air and the white lights were so bright that we could not make out a complete description of it. We could hear no jet engines or propellors. So we automaticly assumed that it was nothing that we had ever seen before. After three to five minutes of absolutley no noise and no movement, the object slowly began to move southwest across the highway. It then turned on its side and hovered closer to the ground. It began to move away from us, carefully manuvering between trees and eccelorating to an approximate speed of 40-50 miles per hour. We then left the area and headed for home. When at the junction of "H" and "72" Highway we watched as a state patrol and at least 4 police cars headed down "32" Highway (which is ajacent to "H" highway) going southwest toward the area the object was moving. I now work at an Airline company and have many friends who have been in the Airforce and Navy and none of which who have even heard of an object that can do the things that this one did. If you have heard of such an object, I would like to know what it is to put my questions to rest.
Posted 2000-02-16
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