NUFORC UFO Sighting 116597
Occurred: 2015-01-09 17:30 LocalReported: 2015-01-09 16:21 Pacific
Duration: 20 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Duluth, MN, USA
Shape: Orb
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object
Saw 8 very bright orange orbs flying in formation and disappearing.
Me and my dad were driving to grand Marais to do a job. It was about 5:30pm when we saw the see bright glowing orange orbs in the sky. I saw them first and mentioned it, and then they just disappeared.
My dad thought it was just towers, and I argued with him. About 2 min later he saw them again, then they disappeared again.
He started freaking out then we saw 2 more over the lake, so we pulled over to look, then they were gone.
Then we saw 2 more across the street opposite of the lake. Then back over the lake we saw 4 of them flying in formation then it looked like 1 shot out of the other kinda like a missile, then they disappeared.
These orbs were over Lake Superior, along the north shore.
Posted 2015-01-16
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