NUFORC UFO Sighting 115996
Occurred: 2014-12-08 18:36 LocalReported: 2014-12-14 19:01 Pacific
Duration: 88 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Mission Viejo (headed towards), CA, USA
Shape: Circle
DETAIL IN THE ZOOM of a bright round fast moving object (might show glimpse of the propulsion of these objects) SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY CA
Captured on video a bright round object moving away from Dana Point towards Mission Viejo.
On December 7, 2014, I saw an object gliding across the sky, but it was as small as a star & I couldn't see anything on the video recorder at all. Oh well.
Since I saw this Sunday night, I decided to go out the following night Monday, Dec. 8, 2014. I propped up the tripod, opened the lens cover, then unfolded the view screen on the video recorder & already had the settings at the extra zoom. The second I finished this, I looked straight up & there was a bright, white round object headed in the direction of Mission Viejo. (it could have turned after it was out of my view though) As soon as I realized it wasn't a plane or helicopter, I immediately started capturing the object. It was tough keeping the recorder still. Probably because it was moving so quickly. For a moment as it passed by a star, I stopped to view that star (duh) then corrected by returning to the UFO & before it was out of view I held my breath & zoomed in to the maximum level & captured some amazing detail. I'm guessing this could be the very first video capture of these bright round objects, showing the propulsion it uses, I haven't seen one photo or video on all of the internet of this same detail. Also, I have several daytime captures showing what I believe is a match to what this thing looked like up close. If anyone else saw this please post up a video! When I zoomed out a little, it looked a bit purple-ish & brilliant white when I zoomed a bit closer. The interesting part isn't even the bright round object itself since there are a gazillion all over the internet on video, but rather what I captured in the zoom. It was flying low enough to see it was NOT a plane or helicopter. The close zoom also confirms it's not a plane or heli. either. It's pretty amazing. Seems we're getting a wave of these objects all over California right now. I just got really lucky where I had my finger right next to the record button the second I saw it. I could kick myself for not starting the capture right away but I only lost a few seconds. I'd sure have loved to get that super-zoom when it was right over my head. Sure would have been nice if it was moving slower to pose for my video (lol) It's possible when they are moving slowly, they aren't transparent or can decide when they are.
Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD
Posted 2014-12-18
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