NUFORC UFO Sighting 113102

Occurred: 1964-06-11 20:15 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2014-08-31 13:24 Pacific
Duration: 30 minutes
No of observers: 7

Location: Auburndale, MA, USA

Shape: Circle

Huge, bright, white"Moon" in Auburndale hovers, then flies straight up.

(This is in response to the submission of 6/11/64. Dedham/Westwood, MA) This sounded so much like what I experienced when I was 7 yrs old I thought an additional report would be supportive.

It was around 8:00 pm. I was in the back yard of my home in the Auburndale section of Newton, MA, with my parents and 5 yr old sister. We were having fun watching and catching fireflies before getting ready for bed.

The sky was clear, the night sky starting to fill with stars. My neighbor had built a telescope to look at the moon with me and I was looking forward to it.

Suddenly, the whole yard filled with bright, white light. I looked up to the south east and saw a huge white "moon" that looked like it was perched on the tree tops. It seemed as big as a house. I don't recall the chronology of the rest of the evening's events, but this is what happened:

I became intensely frightened when I saw the white moon. I realized it couldn't be a moon since I saw no craters. My mother screamed and carried my sister into the house. My dad hugged me and we joined our telescope-making neighbors, watching, wondering what we were seeing, he didn't seem frightened.

3 other neighbors joined us and one man said it was a UFO. I knew what that was. It remained in the same place for about 20 or 30 minutes and then went straight up and disappeared, very fast.

Unfortunately, I am the only person still alive that was in my backyard that night. I know my mom spoke to other parents about it and one person/child there was in school with me. But nobody from my grammar school remembers it.

I didn't recall the exact date, only what grade I was in and time of year, firefly season.

When I read the posting for 6/11/64, it sounded very much like what I saw and the date and time of year fit. The areas of Dedham, Westwood and Newton are close enough that two events are entirely plausible.

Posted 2014-08-31

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