NUFORC UFO Sighting 11187
Occurred: 1997-05-17 03:30 Local - ApproximateReported: 1999-11-27 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 5mins
No of observers: 1
Location: Las Vegas (about 60 miles outside of), NV, USA
Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object
I seen something at night outside of Las Vegas. In short, this whatever it was, was silent, in what seemed to be in the shape of a triangle, with one light in the front and two lights on the side. It came fast and left fast all within maybe 5 minutes. It hovered right behind my car almost over my car with no lights. It was so close to my car I mean maybe 5 feet or closer then dissappeared completely.
I was driving back home to Utah from Las Vegas with my friend in the middle of the night. She fell asleep, I noticed some lights quite a bit away in my rear view mirror, it looked like maybe lights from trucks, I wasnt concerned until I looked again and they were closer. It seemed that whatever it was, was approaching fast so I decided to go a little faster. It was pretty much flat land and I could see for a long distance, there was no other vehicles on the road. I looked again in the mirror and I saw three lights one in front of the other two in the shape of a triangle. Strange feeling of no one around even though this was behind me. I dont know what obsessed me to roll the window down I guess to look without out the reflection of the windows to see it. I heard nothing it was silent all but my car. It was right behind me now and this strange feeling was stronger, and I looked back again and it was black like the night with no stars though, like it had its lights off hovering over my car. I seen a diesel coming on the other side of the highway and I felt relieved and I looked back again and it was gone. I shook my friend, and pulled the car over and told her what happend, I told her we were outside Nellis AFB and maybe someone was playing some kind of sick joke on me, never once thinking it might be a ufo until I seen "it" tonight on the discovery channel. That feeling I had that night came over me again and I dont know what to do or if it might help, but I seen this!, I dont have any idea what it could be and if it was a ufo. I didnt send this in earlier, because for one I didnt know who I should tell and second I didnt want my family and friends to think I was one of those people in them magazines that think they have seen a ufo. Mainly because I didnt and still might not believe it was.
Posted 1999-11-30
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