NUFORC UFO Sighting 11115

Occurred: 1999-11-16 19:10 Local
Reported: 1999-11-22 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 20-30 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Detroit (north of, driving east on I-696), MI, USA

Shape: Formation
Characteristics: Lights on object

Witnessed 5 balls of light in the sky, lasting as long as 30 seconds, while driving east on I-696. My location was between I-75 and I-94.

While driving home at approximately 7:10pm, my a light caught my eye as I was driving due East towards I-94. (I was talking to my boyfriend on my cell phone as well.) I saw 5 balls of light total, 2-3 much brighter than an average falling star. I'd say that in comparison to the brightest star in the sky, the size was perhaps 4 to 5 times larger as well as brighter. They were moving VERY slow, almost hovering. All 5 were very close together and they never strayed from each other. I kept saying "Wow! wow! wow!" to my boyfriend the whole time, thinking that I was witnessing a meteor shower (I've never seen one before). They didn't seem to fade away until about 25-30 later. They were yellow in color with no tail. I kept looking up in the sky after that, but I didn't see anything. I normally wouldn't be writing in to report this, but after talking with another witness, he said it would be beneficial to you if I report what I saw. I'm not a sceptic of UFOs, nor am I a believer. I DO, however, have an open mind about things. And the fact that there is a REMOTE chance that this may be something other than falling debris from space (as stated in a Detroit newspaper the next day) compelled me to write to you today. I hope that this helps in your studies.

Posted 1999-11-23

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