NUFORC UFO Sighting 11051
Occurred: 1999-11-17 22:00 LocalReported: 1999-11-20 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 1 hour
No of observers: 2
Location: Cliffside Park, NJ, USA
Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Changed Color, Aircraft nearby
Object seen flashing brillant colors, moved slightly from north to south. Appears to be surrounded by a haze, could not definitely say the shape but looking through with binoculars it appeared to be cylindrical.
Wednesday, November 17, 1999 My sister and I were looking out the window to see we if could see the meteor showers. Living across the Hudson River in NJ from NYC we knew our chances our were slim since NYC is so lit up. But for about an hour we are watched this light in the sky above NYC. It flashed colors of bright blue to green to yellow to red and then repeated itself. I have been to Pine Bush, NY and a few times we thought we saw something when we realized it was a star affected by the atmosphere. But this was different. I focused on larger stars and the atmosphere was not affecting them like this one. It was not moving towards or away from the horizon. It moved slightly north to south and was, and I am guessing at this, about 3 miles above the skyline. Planes landing at NYC airports were below it. We tried to focus with bincolars but it was too far away to get any definite shape but it appeared to be cylindrical. We watched this for approximately an hour. The next two nights we looked for it again but did not see it. The planet Venus? and the moon were visable.
Posted 1999-11-23
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