NUFORC UFO Sighting 108544

Occurred: 2014-04-11 15:05 Local
Reported: 2014-04-11 16:06 Pacific
Duration: 15-20 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Phoenix, AZ, USA

Shape: Sphere

Point of light or bright object in the daytime sky.

I was outside of Chick-Fil-A eating in the parking lot. I saw a point of light pretty high in there NE sky probably at a 45 degrees angle up. It was stationary for some time, at least 5 minutes, but then I noticed slow movement towards the East.

After a minute or so it then seemed to descend somewhat in a southeasterly direction and was getting slightly larger which made me realize it was getting closer.

Then it slowed and switched directions and headed north. I noticed that it was very visible with polarized sunglass but barely visible without. It started moving north and ascending in altitude.

At that point I got out of my car and approached someone leaving the diner and asked them if they could see it. He could not see anything but I could see it with my polarized glasses.

I took two photos. I deleted the first as I noticed my iPhone camera could not detect the object. The second one I kept to bring home and see if could indeed pull it out with some enhan! cement. I was able to actually see a faint point of light in the photograph.

The object must have been highly reflective being that I couldn't spot it hardly at all until I viewed it through polarized lenses.

Eventually the object seemed to accelerate slight and slowly vanished out of sight heading due north.

I tried to call a friend on the north side of town to see if he could see it but he didn't answer.

Posted 2014-04-18

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