NUFORC UFO Sighting 104584
Occurred: 2013-11-18 17:59 LocalReported: 2013-11-19 08:41 Pacific
Duration: 4 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Waldorf, MD, USA
Shape: Fireball
Orange orb seen by a woman in the horizon in Waldorf, MD
I was speaking with a friend of mine when I pulled up in my driveway and looked at the sky and the horizon South East. I asked her if she ever saw the planet Mars for it was clear. The sky was extremely clear. I could see helicopters, planes, the stars. It was beautiful. The orange orb was amongst the stars in the horizon. I looked at this for several minutes and asked her to go outside and join me. She lives 20 miles from me. When she exited her home she could only see the full moon. The entrance of house opens to the East and the way I was positioned in my driveway I was facing south. This orange orb did not move.
She told me she could not see it for the moon was full and bright. I unfortunately could not see the moon so I kept looking and told her about seeing this planet early spring.
All of a sudden this orange ball starting shooting upward and fast, as if were a rocket. My first thought was I was witnessing a shooting star. From my vision it moved on an angle straight up to the left of my vision. I followed this until it was angling over my house. I was not particularly concerned for it was moving quite fast and was very high up in the sky. The movement from the horizon in the south headed Northbound was quick and took less than a min and a half.
My son came from behind me and scared me, unfortunately not knowing what was going on I was over excited and puzzled at the same time. Almost at a point of disbelief. I told my friend I had to go and ran in the house.
I later went back out and share with my husband and re-enacted my steps. I saw nothing further in the horizon but did see the planes and stars.
I saw only (1) orange orb that was sitting with the stars in the sky.
Posted 2013-11-20
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