NUFORC UFO Sighting 10454

Occurred: 1999-11-07 17:58 Local
Reported: 1999-11-08 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 5 min.

Location: Northbrook, IL, USA

Shape: Diamond

On a trip to CHicago from my home in Glencoe, I witnessed a large black object that looked like a diamond floating in the sky in front of me as I drove my car in traffic on my way to Chicago. I pulled over and was able to capture 34 seconds of the event on digital video tape.

I left my house on the way to a video shoot in the city, on my way to the highway (Edens Expressway) I was heading West on Dundee Road toward the overpass to enter the expressway whenI saw (because you could not have missed it unless you were sleeping) a large diamond shaped object floating in the distance in front of me. It was sunset but the was not in the sky and there was a sunset at the time the object was so strange that I pulled off the road at a gas station (at the SW corner of Skokie Blvd. and Dundee Rd.). Since I was on my way to shoot video I had 2 Digital Video cameras with me 1 (a Canon GL-1), which already had a fresh battery in it and some tape also. I parked my car and got about 34 seconds on tape. Today (Nov.8) I contacted the Palwaukee airport control tower and spoke with a man who said to send him some stills from the video which I did and e-mailed them to him. I also called the FAA and was given a few numbers to contact. Upon reching someone, who thought it to be very interesting gave me the number for the UFO Center. I am a 31 yr old digital video editor producer, I mostly work with music videos, when I looked at the tape on my computer it looked like a big black snowflake (diamond shaped), it had structures sticking up and down on it but from a distance it looked almost like a big black kite, there were no lights at all and was just sort of floating moving NW from my position. I have a Video Broadcast Processor whic I was able to lighten up the picture and it is like nothing I have ever seen. When I first saw it I had to pull over it looked like nothing I have ever seen before!

Posted 1999-11-09

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