NUFORC UFO Sighting 104437
Occurred: 2013-11-14 20:05 LocalReported: 2013-11-14 11:11 Pacific
Duration: 25 seconds
Location: Gordons Bay (Cape Town)(South Africa), , South Africa
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object
I first thought this might have been a airplane, but when it started dropping I knew it wasn't unless it was on fire(it left no trail of smoke) and was about to fall into the sea. As we live 5 km's from the sea.
I have ruled out a comet, for I read there will only be two occurrences in 2014. And I've ruled out a meteor, because I have a slight idea what that could look like.
The entire event lasted about 25 seconds I'd say. Was just next to the only star I could see this evening, did not have my mobile phone nearby to capture any picture unfortunately.
All I saw was an orange bright light, bigger than the biggest star I have seen, slowly dropping, becoming less bright till it eventually disappeared.
I'm reporting this event, out of sheer curiosity of what it could have been that I just saw, and if anyone else could have seen it.
Posted 2013-11-20
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