NUFORC UFO Sighting 08759
Occurred: 1983-09-02 00:30 LocalReported: 1999-08-21 00:00 Pacific
Duration: <1 minute
No of observers: 0
Location: Owen Sound (near) (Canada), ON, Canada
Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object
Distinctly triangular object, appeared to be transluscent but glowing orange, like an ember (hundreds if not thousands of small pin pricks of yellowish and orangish lights moving sequentially and linearly, some brighter than others, but not flashing per se, though there was a distinct pulsating appearance to the lights). Appeared hot, again like a burning coal in a fire. No noise whatsoever. Trajectory towards the north. Size and speed hard to judge against a perfectly starlit sky, but estimated that it was 20-50 m wide at the triangular base, provided that it was 200-500 m above ground as I estimated. Could have have been much larger if higher. I saw it directly overhead, until it disppeared over a small hill. Maybe 10-12 seconds in total, so it appeared to be sub-sonic.
I'm a professional field biologist and a so-called "highly trained observer." I also grew up on CDN airforce bases, so am intimately familiar with aircraft of all shapes and sizes. At the time of the sighting reported, I had NO IDEA what I had seen. 15 years later, I could be convinced that this was an early test of the stealth fighter/bomber, given the similarity in its configuration (delta-winged, triangular shaped with unknown "stealth" capacities). I have no tangible evidence proving this sighting. I did report it to my wife, who happened to be in the outhouse at the time (even as I as personally shittin bricks!), and missed the whole thing. As as quasi-professional artist, I painted a full colour picture of the object about 6 months after the sighting, based upon a sketch I did a day or two later. It took me a long time to get my head around this (and I'm still not sure that I have); I was quite excited about what I had seen, but also quite numbed by it, especially since I didn't have any corroborating evidence. It was like witnessing a traffic accident, where everything seems sort of like a dream, and yet is burned into the memory receptors permanently, but you're still not entirely sure that it was you who witnessed what you saw. It's like the brain doesn't quite recognize the input it's recieving as being valid somehow, and then you start to doubt your own eyes. If you guys are seriously interested in records and scientific follow ups, I can scan an image of my painting and send it to you for your research and historic files (not monetary gain on either side). My email address is attached.
Posted 2000-12-02
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