Its been a week since we first posted our first thoughts on the mystery drone situation plaguing the country. In that time, we have received 65 new reports of objects conforming to the general “drone” description, that is flying very low, large size, and with bright flashing lights (more come in hour by hour). Despite the intense attention being paid to the phenomenon and the massive number of sightings, the situation remains that not a single one of these craft has been identified, nor has anyone witnessed a single takeoff or landing.
This seems to be exactly what the operators (human or otherwise) of these craft want. They want to be seen flying (or don’t care if they are), since they display bright multicolored lights that make them impossible to miss in the night sky. On the other hand, they clearly do not want to to be tracked or identified, as their lights are shut off when they are approached or followed, and they perform evasive maneuvers.
Government spokesmen have stated that these are not military or foreign adversary drones. They have also told us that there is no evidence they are breaking the law. If they are not alien in origin, then one of these statements is clearly false. If they are commercial, then they are breaking the law in two very clear ways. First, under federal regulation 14 CFR Part 89, all large drones are required by law to transmit a Remote ID signal at all times . As long as the drone is in compliance, a unit such as a Dedrone RF-300 can easily identify it. Since no such identification has happened, we must assume that either the drones are not transmitting, and thus are operating illegally, or that no one has tried to pick up a Remote ID, which seems like such a common sense thing to do that it is incomprehensible if it hasn’t been tried. The second illegal act is their repeated intrusions into restricted airspace, which has been well documented in both the the US and UK.
The large number of drone reports that have been submitted to NUFORC give us a unique perspective on the phenomenon. Here are some characteristics of these sighting that we feel are particularly worth noting.
They Can Fly in Coordinated Groups
Sightings of large numbers of these craft operating together have been reported repeatedly to NUFORC. Here are just a few examples :
- Bethlehem, PA – 12/13-14 and 12/19: Witness reports seeing multiple clusters of 8-9 drone-like craft with blinking re
- d and white lights that appeared sporadically, traveling in various directions. Full Report. A second witness from Bethlehem reported seeing 25 on the 19th: Full Report
- San Diego, CA – 12/14: 10-15 spinning circular objects with white and red blinking lights. Full Report
- Haltom City, TX – 12/11: A dozen unidentified and unregistered aircraft with white, red, and green blinking lights. Full Report
- Amherst, MA – 12/14: 5 Drones flashing red-white/red-white or red-red or white-white. Full Report
They Can Operate Silently
Many witnesses report that despite looking like drones, which are usually easy to hear when they are close by, the craft are silent:
- Richmond, VA – 12/16: A large dark chevron hovered over trees 400 feet away with no sound. Full Report
- Willard, UT – 12/15: Drone like craft with a bright light on the front and red/green lights on the back flew really close to the ground over witness. No sound despite the object being 80-100 feet away. Full Report
- Pensacola Beach, FL – 12/15: A witness sees a highly engineered, steel carbon(?) craft size of half a car with red+green blinking lights 250 feet away form their condo deck. No sound. Full Report
In one very strange case from Hananan, SC on 12/10 a witness described a “drone” that “sounded like a drone would – but almost like it was coming out of a speaker.” Full Report
They Are Being Seen All Over the World
If this is a clandestine US Government operation, they are executing it in other countries as well. Since November, NUFORC has received reports of these “drones” from the following foreign countries: Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Germany, Hungary, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Here is a small sample:
- Canada – 12./13: Many large drones & then a giant bright spotlight appeared and hovered. Full Report
- Lithuania – 12/12: Plane or drone type never seen before, just like in NJ USA. Full Report
- Germany – 12/16: 3 “drones“ with red lights on them as big as an SUV traveling south east at fast speed and low altitude. Full Report
There is a Corresponding Mass Wave of Orb Sightings
Along with the flood of “drone” reports, NUFORC has been barraged with recent reports of glowing orbs that maneuver intelligently and often approach to a very close distance. See our Complete List of Orb Reports.
We have also received multiple reports of “drones” sighted along with orbs. Here are three examples:
- Lansdale, PA – 12/14: Multiple drones with red/green/flashing lights as well as bright yellow orb seen above and behind neighbor’s house. Full Report
- Hereford, AZ – 12/19: A witness feeding horses noticed one of the “drones” at first then two white orbs followed it and disappeared: Full Report
- Prince Fredrick, MD: Witness sees orbs bouncing and changing direction, speed, and shape, along with drones and airplanes. Full Report
Of course, NUFORC continues to receive non drone or orb related UFO reports daily, and you can see the ones we consider to be the best here: HIGHLIGHTED REPORTS
For the past few months, mysterious drone like craft the size of SUV’s have been sighted nightly, primarily between sunset and midnight, with the nexus of recent reports coming out of New Jersey. The sightings have been so overwhelming that they have become a media sensation, with organizations like CNN, which normally avoid UAP coverage, featuring the story prominently. The government has stated that they are as mystified as anyone else as to who or what is behind this, and an increasing sense of frustration is being voiced by lawmakers and citizens in the affected areas. The flap is so intense that NUFORC’s report volume has doubled from what we usually receive.
One of the more dramatic encounters occurred in London, Ontario, Canada. Beginning at 6:58 PM on December 13, and lasting for a period of a period of 3.5 hours, a witness observed multiple large drone-like objects with white lights that flashed red and green. The event escalated when a giant, bright spotlight silently hovered above the trees in their yard for about 40 minutes. Multiple additional objects, smaller in comparison, seemed to fly around this central light. Full Report/Video
What are we to make of all of this and who is responsible? Theories abound from foreign adversaries to secret government agencies. These ideas have been debated thoroughly, but it’s worthwhile to step back and consider the incredibly anomalous characteristics of these objects:
- Size: Many of the drones are the size of cars or SUV’s, and one witness described seeing one the size of a school bus..
- Speed: They can outrun police drones that attempt to follow them.
- Stealth: They turn off their lights when approached, exhibiting an ability to be aware of what’s going on around them and respond.
- No Remote ID: Drones above 250 grams are required to broadcast identification and location data. These apparently do not.
- Thermal Anomalies: The Ocean County Sheriff’s Office observed the drones emitted no heat, making them impossible to see with IR.
- Interference: They have been reported to interfere with car clocks and cell phones.
- Quantity: Up to 50 drones have been sighted in coordinated flight patterns, and the number of reports is now in the thousands.
- Duration: The drones are able to stay aloft for hours, suggesting a very robust power source on board.
If there is a non-governmental organization behind this, it is an extremely expensive operation indeed, and the drones are exhibiting technical capabilities well beyond what is commonly available. Furthermore, the drones operate over sensitive military areas, from air bases in the UK, to Langley in Virginia, to the Picatinny Arsenal in New Jersey. That makes them a national security threat, which along with their failure to broadcast an FAA required Remote ID makes their mode of operation clearly illegal.
There have been attempts to track and interdict them. The government has sophisticated anti-drone capability, including jamming and even the ability to take over control in some instances. A car-sized drone presents a significant radar cross-section (RCS), and radar systems designed to detect aircraft or large objects would likely pick it up. But a month into the current flap, not a single drone has been tracked to its source or captured. Why? Could it be that we are simply incapable of doing it? What kind of object could evade us that way?
There is, of course, a long history of flying objects with flashing multicolored lights that buzz military bases and evade attempted interception. Could it be that these “drones” are actually true UFO’s, disguised to look like terrestrial drones for some unknown reason? A report received yesterday from Radcliffe, KY seems to point to this possibility. A witness spotted drones flying low over their house, followed a few minutes later by a Blackhawk helicopter that came onto the scene and chased three of them. Two minutes after that, something even more anomalous happened. A large triangular UFO appeared and followed the drones and helicopter. The description of the triangular UFO conforms to other triangles that have been observed for over 30 years, from the Belgium wave to the Hudson Valley sightings to the Phoenix Lights (see our gallery page for images). Assuming the triangle was not of human origin, what does that say about the “drones”? Full Report
It is also worthwhile to note that this recent wave is eerily reminiscent of similar events over northeastern Colorado and western Nebraska, that occurred from December 2019 to January 2020. During that period, residents also reported numerous sightings of unidentified drones flying in coordinated formations during evening hours. Witnesses described groups of up to 19 drones with estimated wingspans of about six feet, flying in grid patterns at altitudes between 200 and 500 feet. The sightings were never explained.
While we at NUFORC are keeping an open mind, the theory that these drones are NHI (non human intelligence) craft is something to consider, and at this current stage it can’t be ruled out.
Wow very cool and very convincing videos, stay safe. Greetings from Costa Rica.
You’ve nailed it. Never overlook the obvious. It’s almost impossible to believe “this is it” and will be until “this is it” – and, something is much stranger than usual this time.
what’s abt a “Blue Beam project”
maybe this is it?
as for Florence AZ case from dec 13 (it is mentioned in the table), here is what was shot the next day 100 km from it.
Seems to me the single word ‘drone’ has polluted this long running event. With it thousands of first time sky watchers have also polluted the event. Too much has been made of the these two features to the extent that the clear signals of the event are lost in the pollution.
We must combine the fact that pilots have been seeing these orbs very high in altitude for a while now. And also they are known to imitate our aircraft. See Harley Rutledge on Wikipedia. They are even telepathic.
Looking at whats going on could be the plan. ET flies during the night with lights on mixed with other aircraft / drones. People come out to watch but not sure what they are seeing, excited but not threatened. Then during the day everything is normal and everyone is back to work, then it cycles through again. We’re being conditioned.
Time will tell soon, maybe it will all just fade away.
If you’ve never witnessed a sighting yourself then until you do you cannot believe. I’M A BELIEVER.
Do you think this could mean official disclosure is coming soon?
I think so. Interesting phenomenon whatever it turns out to be.
They’re here! And, boy, are they po’d. I believe they seeded us but couldn’t quite get the violent streak out of us. The true aliens know we use nuclear power to destroy ourselves. They (true aliens) live on planet Earth too. The true aliens see an orange threat and are responding. Beam him up.
No creer hasta no ver.
Como Santo Tomas.
Pero un amigo y yo vimos CLARAMENTE en Guadalajara frente a la Plaza de Armas un objeto grande sin forma definida, difuso, pero con dos luces al frente que llegó súbitamente paró por tres segundo y salió a increíble velocidad, sin emitir ruido ni dejar huella.
Translation: Not believing until seeing.
Like Saint Thomas.
But a friend and I CLEARLY saw, in Guadalajara in front of the Plaza de Armas, a large object with no defined shape, blurry, but with two lights at the front. It suddenly appeared, stopped for three seconds, and then took off at incredible speed, without making any noise or leaving any trace.
Don’t forget the Hudson Valley event that happened between 1980 and 1986, investigated by Dr. Ellen Crystall, Hyneck, and Imbrogno.
Then there is the Pine Bush event (Wallkill River Valley, NY) between 1991 and 1997, investigated by Crystall, Dr. Bruce Cornet, UFOS, Burns, Police, and Hartwell.
Check out: Unconventional Aerial Phenomena in the Hudson and Wallkill River Valley of New York, Amazon 2019.
They are in this area too but I don’t believe they are drones. They are real high,several of them. Been around for a while. Could give some details about somethings but afraid you won’t believe them.
Don’t be afraid, Sue. I’m so glad there is this comment section because I have also seen – the experience conferred both awe and fear, and I was transfixed – just couldn’t move, while I observed. I don’t think people who have never actually seen one can truly believe these things exist, but there are many of us who have seen and will believe you. So, if you want to share, share. You are not alone.
I will believe you…..tell me some of your details, please. Thanks!
Investigation of UFO/UAP mysteries for over 35 years… I see this current hysteria with the drones flying on the east coast of the United States is a concern in one aspect. But like the Roswell incident in 1947, where authorities called the crash nothing but a weather balloon… this administration will do everything possible to deny, coverup, and lie about the true origins of this occurrence.
Recently in Oregon, pilots witnessed strange lights maneuvering near Eugene and the coast unlike a normal aircraft. Speaking with Peter Davenport of the National UFO Reporting Center in Washington, he has seen an uptick in reports coming in also. So, are some of these drones extraterrestrials, unknown at this time. The current report states these are drones, manned aircraft and stars being misinterpreted. Others inside and outside the government claim they could be Russia, China spying on the United States… as some have flown over several military bases. One report posted on several websites suggested that these drones were fitted with sensors to pick up gamma, alpha and beta rays attributed to radiation… story continues that a dirty bomb may have been smuggled into the United States… Still unconfirmed.
Just like the Chinese balloon’s entering U.S. airspace without the Biden administration doing a darn thing until it was too late. And several balloons compromised military airspace!
Just with the last 24 hours, drones again spotted in California and Utah. Not to punch the PANIC BUTTON, should we be concerned? One analyst says ‘Yes we should’… Weak security threatens America and our way of life, but the current situation with our government shows purely lack of concern, and Americans have no confidence in it. Bottom line, our defensive measures should be on a higher level. Be safe, and DON’T SHOOT AT THE DRONES… IT COULD BE SANTA CLAUS!
The drones are ufos
“Drones” is the new catch-all excuse for UFOs. Instead of swamp gas, or weather balloons, everyone is just seeing drones now. Nothing to worry about.
La situazione mi sembra chiara. Abbiamo più tipologie di velivoli.
UAP – Presentano caratteristiche completamente al disopra della nostra comprensione. Di forma sferica o triangolare, avvolti in una sorta di campo energetico luminoso, non producono rumore durante le fasi di volo, non vengono percepiti dai radar di ultima generazione, non presentano tracciamento termico e si librano in aria pur non presentando meccaniche atte a favorire la portanza e dunque il volo. Ciò nonostante compiono manovre durante le fasi di volo fino ad oggi ritenute impossibili da attuare violando i limiti delle leggi della fisica da noi conosciute. Sono mutaforma e possono passare dal volo all’immersione subacquea e viceversa, apparentemente senza alcuno stadio di preparazione e modifica della propria struttura, qualunque essa sia.
DRONI – Velivoli di ultima generazione non ancora mostrati alla ingegneria moderna prodotti per mano terrestre. Presentano luci di segnalazione ordinarie, componenti atti a favorire il volo e dunque la portanza, ma non presentano apparentemente sistemi visibili di propulsione. Ciononostante hanno un loro particolare rumore durante il volo, ma anche in questo caso sembrano difficilmente rilevabili e non presentano una marcata traccia termica. Forse frutto di retro ingegneria.
VELIVOLI ORDINARI – Alcuni avvistamenti dichiarati sono solo normalissimi aeromobili.
CONCLUDO Ipotizzando che i DRONI tecnologicamente avanzati siano stati fatti decollare da basi militari USA ed infatti mai ingaggiati da nessuna potenza militare mondiale, con lo scopo di studiare o cercare di ingaggiare gli UAP che stanno popolando lo spazio aereo planetario. Gli UAP non sembrano ostili ma ancora non abbiamo certezza nemmeno della loro neutralità o non belligeranza.
The situation seems clear to me. We have several types of aircraft.
UAPs – They have characteristics completely beyond our comprehension. Spherical or triangular in shape, wrapped in a sort of luminous energy field, they do not produce noise during flight phases, are not perceived by latest-generation radars, do not have thermal tracking and hover in the air despite not having mechanics capable of promoting lift and therefore flight. Nonetheless, they perform maneuvers during flight phases that until now were considered impossible to implement, violating the limits of the laws of physics known to us. They are shape-shifters and can switch from flight to underwater diving and vice versa, apparently without any stage of preparation and modification of their structure, whatever it may be.
DRONES – Latest-generation aircraft not yet shown to modern engineering produced by terrestrial hand. They have ordinary signal lights, components capable of promoting flight and therefore lift, but apparently do not have visible propulsion systems. Nevertheless, they have their own particular noise during flight, but even in this case they seem difficult to detect and do not present a marked thermal signature. Perhaps the result of reverse engineering.
ORDINARY AIRCRAFT – Some reported sightings are just very normal aircraft.
I CONCLUDE Assuming that the technologically advanced DRONES were taken off from US military bases and in fact never engaged by any world military power, with the aim of studying or trying to engage the UAPs that are populating the planetary airspace. The UAPs do not seem hostile but we still do not even have certainty of their neutrality or non-belligerence.
Remember, the 5 eyes will have spy’s in Russia, Iran and China. They would know it was one of those actors. Starting to go a certain direction if it hasn’t already. I guess, coming clean would promote a verifiable mistrust in government. All to loose for USG.
Notice that the drones in NJ appear around the epicenter of the 2024 earthquake, while the drones/UAP reported in West Oregon appeared near the centers of seismic activity as well.
I am working in Korea and it seems quiet here. I haven’t heard anyone mention drones and its too cold to go out and look. But if there were I doubt it would go over well with North Korea. I think back in summer there were some drone games, but they were real drones. Also the garbage balloons.
I’ve seen an alien via drone footage inside a small aircraft over a cornfield in illinois. It was like it was attached to a larger craft one had a red light the other white. Between the two appeared to be a “leash” if you will. It became irritated once it knew it was being watched threw its arms up and blurred I ts own image like camouflage and drained the drones full battery so that it had to land. 2021 I believe
Ten questions federal insiders advise the American public to ask their state representatives:
1. How does the government know that these craft are human-made drones
2. How does the government know the intent of these craft?
3. Why has the government declined to take action against these craft?
4. Have these craft similarly affected adversarial nations?
5. What should the public do if they encounter these craft?
6. What are the potential consequences of taking actions against the drones or drone-like craft, such as shooting at them?
7. Do these craft emit radiation? Are there affordable and accessible sensors or detectors that people can purchase for themselves?
8. Have any of these craft been seen emitting substances, such as angel hair?
9. What should be the response of first responders if they come across these craft, especially if they land or crash?
10. Why is there no coordinated federal preparedness guidance or direction from municipalities nationwide, only reactive, isolated responses?
U a p s are not extraterrestrial but terrestrial. A good dodge in words by USA govt. Govt understands our tech is model t in comparison. I suppose our neighbors under water and in our mountains have a problem with our nuclear program.
Why am I the only person who hasn’t seen one of these things yet??? I love right near Lansdale which is one of the cases listed about, and I’m not far from Bethlehem either. I’m right in bucks county, a town called sellersville. I look outside and check every time I think of it and still have not seen anything.
Only thing going on over here Told BY renter of my home is a lot of movimg and ground shacking. as of 1.18 2024 9:23am