Metallic Orb UAPs

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Sean Kirkpatrick, director of the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office, or AARO, recently made the following striking statement about unidentified flying metallic orbs in a public presentation with NASA: “We see these all over the world, and we see these making very interesting apparent maneuvers.” A clip of the portion of the presentation containing this statement, which also shows video footage of such an object shot from an MQ-9 reaper drone in Iraq can be viewed here.

NUFORC can certainly corroborate his statement. Here is a list of 21 cases recently reported to the Center of anomalous …

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The Phoenix Lights

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The following is a preliminary summary of perhaps the most dramatic UFO sighting that has been reported to the National UFO Reporting Center over the last 2-3 years. 

Please note that this report is the result of some of the first data received by NUFORC, and is subject to revision depending on subsequent reports and data that may be received in the future. Also, this summary has been composed before receipt of any written reports from the witnesses to the events. From experience, the staff of NUFORC knows that written reports almost invariably will cause preliminary findings to be amended …

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