2017 Posts

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Compendium of all posts from 2017


We have updated the NUFORC website, as of this date, with the posting to our database of approximately 170 new, and newly revised, sighting reports.  The new reports are those that have been received at our Center since the afternoon of Thursday, December 14TH, 2017.

We always urge visitors to our site to be on the alert for flawed, or hoaxed, reports, particularly among those that have been submitted by individuals who elect to remain anonymous, and/or who provide no contact information with their reports.


Peter Davenport, Center Director, will be away from the Hotline for several days over Christmas.  However, he will make every attempt to monitor the answering service approximately once a day, or so, and will return any important messages left by individuals who seem to be both mature, and serious-minded.

If you believe that you have experienced a sighting of a UFO, we would be most grateful if you would please refrain from calling the Hotline to report the event.  Instead, we urge the witness to please submit a detailed, written account of the sighting, using our Online Report Form, found elsewhere on this website.


If you are one of the many young people who are placing prank calls to our Hotline, we would request that you cease using our telephone lines for recreational purposes!  The bulk of the calls we are now receiving over the Hotline are prank calls, and often obscene, and we are requesting that callers of all ages not use our Hotline for frivolous purposes.  These nuisance calls have become an extreme inconvenience to the people who run the UFO Center, and they are interfering with our ability to provide an important service to people who wish to submit serious reports to our facility.

Several of the recent reports have caught our attention, and we feature them below:

  • Pocatello, Idaho, June 24th, 2002, @ 8:00 p.m.: A very experienced pilot witnessed a strange-looking object pass below his aircraft at high speed.  The object looked generally like the Space Shuttle, with no prominent wings, and appeared to the witness to be hugging the contour of the mountainous region below.  It quickly disappeared from sight, within 15 seconds of the pilot’s first sighting of it.  Witness Report
  • Albuquerque/Santa Fe (Waldo Canyon), New Mexico, December 14, 2017, @ 7:00 p.m.: A husband and wife were driving home to Santa Fe, when they both witnessed a triangular-shaped craft pass across the highway in front of their vehicle.  They agreed that the edges of the craft were lined with distinctly green lights, and they estimated that it was moving at approximately 100 miles per hour.  The wife has provided a nice illustration of the peculiar object.  Witness Report


For the past 12 days, NUFORC has received reports of an event that occurred across the U. S. on Saturday night, December 09th, 2017.  Our initial reaction to the reports was that they addressed a very unusual event, possibly UFO-related, although the U. S. Air Force has asserted that the sightings were of a flight of military aircraft involved in a large-scale nighttime training operation.  In the interest of sharing accurate, and complete, information with visitors to our website, here is the recent USAF statement.

However, given what we continue to believe are facts that, on the face of them, appear to contravene the Air Force explanation, we intend to continue both collecting reports, and investigating some of the peculiar aspects of the large-scale event.  There are many elements of the apparent military exercise that simply do not seem to correlate with what many eyewitnesses have reported to our Center.


Peter Davenport, Center Director, is scheduled to appear tonight on the Coast to Coast AM radio program, hosted by George Noory, Thursday, December 21st, 2017, at approximately 10:15 p.m. (PST).  Peter will discuss briefly the December 09th event, alluded to above, as well as several of the reports NUFORC has received recently.


Posted Thursday evening, December 21st, 2017.  We do not expect to post again until sometime after December 30th. 


We have updated the NUFORC website as of this date, with the posting of 65 new, and 39 recently revised, sighting reports.

We always recommend to visitors to our website to be on the alert for errors and hoaxed reports, among the newly posted material.  Please be particularly discriminating when reading those reports that have been submitted by witnesses who elect to remain anonymous, and/or who provide no contact information, all of which we have attempted to label.  Many such reports appear to be high-quality, and probably are reliable, but some are suspect, in our opinion, so please be on the alert as you read them.


We hurriedly updated the NUFORC website on Sunday, December 10th, in order to bring to the attention of the public the seemingly quite dramatic, and mysterious, event that appears to have taken place above, and across, the U. S. on Saturday night, December 09th, 2017.  For the preliminary details about that event, please see that earlier posting below, which was written on Sunday afternoon, the day after the event had occurred, and before we had developed a good understanding of what had taken place.

Since that posting, we have received a number of very high-quality reports, together with links to video footage, which we post below:

  • Dillon, Montana, Saturday, December 09, 2017 @ 8:05 p.m. (Mountain): A mother, together with grown daughter and son, witnessed a peculiar cluster of red flashing lights move across the northern sky.  They estimated they witness the formation of one large object, surrounded by smaller red lights.  Witness Report
  • Laurel, Montana, Saturday, December 09, 2017 @ 8:45 p.m. (Mountain):  Three family members report having witnessed an estimated twenty red lights in a linear formation across the night sky.  The objects reportedly appeared sequentially, one at a time, until all twenty, or so, of the objects were visible.  The cluster of objects was first seen traveling west to east in the northern sky, and it then allegedly was seen to turn to the south.  Video   Witness Report   There are many other reports for the night of Saturday, December 09, 2017, which we urge visitors to read. 
  • Rosarito Beach, Baja California, Mexico, Tuesday, December 12, 2017 @ ~8:30 p.m.: A young woman witnesses a line of four orange/red lights, hovering in a horizontal line, blinking sequentially, and captures the photo below.  The witness estimates that they must have been close to a fishing vessel, that appeared to her to pass underneath, or very close to, the lights. Witness Report


Peter Davenport, Director of NUFORC, is scheduled to appear on the radio program, Coast to Coast AM, hosted by George Noory, on Thursday night, December 14, 2017, at approximately 10:15 p.m.  Peter will discuss those reports above, and several others.

We will post again soon, hopefully with more video and illustrations of the December 09th event, as well as of other recent sighting events.

Posted Thursday evening, December 14, 2017.


On Saturday afternoon, at approximately 4:47 p.m. (Pacific), our Center began to receive the first of what ultimately turned out to be a large number of written and telephoned reports from across the U. S..  Most of the witnesses described allegedly having witnessed one, or more, large clusters of red lights, seen passing through the night sky at what most people described as a slow rate.  No witnesses reported seeing green lights, which would have been expected, had the objects been any type of conventional aircraft.

Reports were received, in rapid sequence from the following states, in the approximate order in which they appear:  Florida (?); South Carolina; Illinois; Missouri; Kansas; Colorado; Utah; Wyoming; Montana; Idaho; Washington (?); and California.  Other reports are still arriving at our Center, so we suspect that the objects may have been seen in other states, as well.  One report was submitted from the U.K., and we are attempting to contact that source, in order to confirm that the report is sincere.

We hope to have all of the written reports posted to our website this afternoon, although our webmaster and his wife, who live in the Montecito area of Santa Barbara, California, are under alert to have to abandon their house, if the fires there get closer to them, so it may be a while before we can post all of the reports we’ve received, to date, that pertain to the sightings on the night of December 09th.  We will update the database, with all the new reported sightings, as soon as we can.

However, we would like to encourage everyone who may have witnessed those clusters of lights to prepare a detailed statement about their sighting(s), and submit it, using the Online Report Form on our website, www.ufocenter.com.  We would like the witness to include where he or she was located, what direction the witnesses were looking, how big the lights appeared to be, how big the cluster of lights appeared to be, how fast the objects were moving across the sky, and all other details that would allow another person to understand clearly what the event looked like.  Please bear in mind that the more information included in the report, the easier it will be for another person to understand what the event looked like.  We look forward to your written report!!

Posted on Sunday afternoon, December 10th, 2017


We have updated our database again this week, with the posting of 45 new and recently revised reports on Friday, December 08, 2017.  Most of the reports have been received since the afternoon of Monday, December 04th.  We encourage visitors to our site to be on the alert for possible hoaxes, and other flaws in the reports, as they read through them.

One recent report that captured our attention, even though it addresses an incident that occurred more than two decades ago, is the following:

  • Phoenix, Arizona, Thursday, March 13, 1997, @ 8:15 p.m. (Mountain): A woman, who describes herself as a retired medical professional, witnessed one of the five (?) huge objects that were seen over Phoenix during the so-called “Phoenix Lights” incident.  She delayed in submitting her report, principally out of concern for the adverse effect her going public might have on her employment.  The description of the size of the object coincides with many other estimates of the estimated sizes of the objects that passed over the general Phoenix area, during that dramatic event.  Witness Report


Peter Davenport is scheduled to appear on the Coast to Coast AM radio program, hosted by George Noory, on Friday night, December 08th, 2017, at approximately 10:15 p.m. (Pacific).  Peter will discuss a few of the reports that have been posted to our database of sighting reports this afternoon.

We will update our site again in the near future.

Site updated on Friday afternoon, December 08, 2017.


We have posted 194 new, or newly amended, reports, to our homepage, as of this date, Monday, December 04th, 2017.

Given the high volume of prank telephone calls we are receiving over our telephone Hotline, we suspect that some of the written reports we have posted may be attempts to hoax anyone who reads them, so we urge visitors to our website to be discriminating when they read those posted sighting reports.


On, or about, August 26th, 2017, our Center began receiving a substantial volume of prank telephone calls over its Hotline, sometimes hundreds per day, principally from rude, inconsiderate, and often foul-mouthed young callers.  Although the volume of calls has subsided to a small degree, the problem still continues, and it has compelled us to alter the manner in which we use the UFO Hotline.

Within the next several days, we will post to our homepage guidelines regarding the use of the Hotline, so that sincere callers will know what to expect when they telephone our Center.  We apologize in advance to those serious-minded callers who may feel inconvenienced by our new guidelines, but we feel we have little choice in the matter.  We simply do not have the ability to handle all the frivolous calls that are being made by the inconsiderate young people who are allowing themselves to be guided by a foolish, and misdirected, video posted to YouTube.

A couple of reports that have captured our attention appear below:

  • Jacksonville, Florida, Thursday, November 30th, 2017, @ 5:57 p.m. (EST): An adult male, who describes himself as an experienced sky watcher, alleges to have witnessed a peculiar “five-pointed star” pass very rapidly across the disc of the Moon, as he is viewing it through his refractor telescope.   Witness Report
  • Stanley, New Mexico, Thursday, November 30th, 2017, @ 6:25 p.m. (MST): An adult female, while driving south on Highway 41 in the city limits of Stanley, NM, witnessed a bright red light approach rapidly from her right, and pass almost directly overhead.  She believed that if the object had been an aircraft, it would have been illuminated to the degree that she should have been able to see its outline, but she did not see anything but the light.  Witness Report


Peter Davenport, NUFORC Director, is scheduled to make his weekly appearance on the Coast to Coast AM radio program, hosted by Mr. George Noory, at approximately 10:15 p.m. (Pacific) on Friday night, December 8th, 2017.  Peter will discuss some of the reports that have been submitted to NUFORC recently.

Posted Monday evening, December 04th, 2017. 


In preparation for the Thanksgiving holiday, we have update the NUFORC website on  Wednesday afternoon, November 22, 2017, with the posting of 70 new, or recently amended sighting reports.

We urge visitors to our site to be discriminating, as they read the reports, given the possibility that some of the reports may be hoaxes.  We have attempted to label all the reports that have been submitted by sources who elect to remain anonymous, and/or who provide no contact information, given that we suspect that those reports have the highest likelihood of being prank reports.

We highlight below a few reports that caught our attention, and which we believe have been submitted by serious-minded witnesses:

  • Florence, Oregon, Wednesday, November 16, 2017, @ 8:45 p.m. (Pacific): A husband and wife, while driving north on the Oregon coastal highway, witness a brightly lighted, disc-shaped craft, that appeared to be hovering over the ocean, not too far from the cliffs near Seal Caves.  Wife’s Report   Husband’s Report
  • Los Angeles, California, Tuesday, November 21, 2017, @ 2:00 p.m. (Pacific): An adult female witnesses six, white objects drifting across the sky above Los Angeles.  She captures a photo of the cluster of objects, which stretched across the daytime sky. Witness Report   Photo


Because of a continuing deluge of prank calls that are being submitted to the NUFORC Hotline, we have had to curtail answering our telephone on a live, or real-time, basis, until the frivolous calls cease.  If a serious-minded caller wishes to leave a message on the Hotline answering service, he or she is invited to do so, and we will attempt to return the call as quickly as we are able to do so.  All other calls are deleted, and are not responded to.


Peter Davenport, NUFORC Director, is scheduled to make his weekly appearance on Coast to Coast AM radio program, hosted by George Noory, at approximately 10:15 p.m., Thursday, November 23rd, 2017.  Peter will discuss a number of recent reports.

Posted Wednesday, November 22nd, 2017.


The NUFORC website has been updated as of Friday evening, November 17, 2017, with the posting of approximately 101 new reports, submitted since the afternoon of Thursday, November 09th.

The newly posted reports have been proof-read by us, but we were under time pressure at the time, so there may well be mistakes, oversights, and overt hoaxes among the new reports, which escaped our attention.  Hence, please be remain skeptical as you read the reports.

Here are a few of the reports that caught our attention:

  • Sacramento, California, Tuesday, November 14, 2017, @ 8:00 p.m. (Pacific): A husband, wife, and their children all witnessed two orange lights in the night sky, which suddenly just disappeared from their sight.  Approximately ten minutes later, the family witnessed an estimated 18-20 similar lights appear in the same area of the sky.  Witness Report
  • Dewey, Arizona, Wednesday, November 15, 2017, @ 9:00 p.m. (Mountain): A gentleman who describes himself as a retired engineer, reports witnessing the sudden appearance of three “chevron” shaped objects, each bearing individual marker lights, suddenly appeared in the night sky.  The objects’ apparent width was approximately the diameter of a full Moon, and each “chevron” exhibited its own individual “marker” lights.  The objects simply appeared out of nowhere, one after the other, and then disappeared instantly, in a similar manner.  Witness Report
  • Dayton, Ohio, Wednesday, November 15, 2017, @ 10:00 p.m. (Eastern): An adult male reports allegedly having witnessed a “boomerang” shaped object pass slowly overhead.  The witness reports that there were individual lights on the ventral surface of the object. Witness Report

Posted Friday night, November 17, 2017. 


The NUFORC website has been updated, as of this date, November 09th, 2017, with the posting of 78 recently received sighting reports, submitted since the afternoon of Friday, November 03rd, 2017

Given the high volume of prank telephone calls that are being placed to our telephone Hotline, we suspect that the same phenomenon may be spilling over to our Online Report Form.  Consequently, we feel duty-bound to caution visitors to our site from accepting everything that is posted there, suspecting that some of the reports, particularly those from anonymous sources, may be attempts to slip hoaxed reports and pranks past our editing process.  Those reports from anonymous sources have been labeled.

We feature below a few of the reports that we believe deserve special attention:

  • Glendale, Arizona, Saturday, November 04, 2017, @ 9:20 p.m. (MDT): Two adult witnesses report having witnessed an estimated 7 large circular lights move slowly to the east across the nighttime sky.  Witness Report
  • Madison, Wisconsin, Tuesday, November 07, 2017, @ 7:35 p.m. (Central): An adult male, who describes himself as former military, witnessed a dark-colored triangle-, or boomerang-shaped, object fly rapidly overhead in the night sky, exhibiting no navigation lights.  Immediately after the object had passed overhead, a smaller object streaked overhead, apparently in pursuit of the triangular craft.  The whole incident occurred in an estimated 5 seconds.

Posted on Thursday evening, November 09, 2017. 


We have updated our website, as of this date, Friday, November 03rd, 2017, with the posting of 222 new reports, received since the afternoon of October 19th.  In addition, we have included in the posting 19 reports that have been revised, since their original posting.

All of the new reports have been proof-read by us before this posting, but we have not had the time this week to read them as carefully as we traditionally like to do.  As a result, we suspect that there are many reports that have flaws in them, particularly with regard to the time and date of the reported incidents.  In addition, some of the reports may be overt attempts to hoax us, and the visitors to our website, so we encourage those individuals who read the reports to be on the alert for errors in the reports.

Some of the new reports that caught our attention are the following:

  • Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Saturday, October 21st, 2017, @ 9:31 p.m. (Eastern): A father and his 20+ year old son were driving west on Interstate 40, near Bermuda Run, when they both witnessed a very bizarre lime green, chevron-shaped, craft ahead of their vehicle.  The object appeared to have its nose pointed up at an approximate angle of 30 degrees.  The father is retired senior officer in the U. S. Air Force.  Witness Report
  • Atlanta (in-flight), Georgia, Thursday, October 26, 2017, @ 11:30 a.m. (Eastern): A current member of the U. S. military, whose specialty is U. S. military aircraft, reports having witnessed a peculiar looking craft that he estimated may have been within a thousand vertical feet of the commercial aircraft on which the witness was a passenger.  He later surmises that the object may have been a “Phantom Ray” drone, manufactured by the Boeing Company. Witness Report

Posted Friday afternoon, November 03, 2017. 


The NUFORC website, together with its database of reports, has been updated, as of this date, with the posting of approximately 274 new, or newly revised, sighting reports, most of which have been received since the afternoon of Thursday, October 5th, 2017.

We always caution visitors to our website, when reading the submitted sighting reports, to be on the alert for errors, as well as hoaxes, which have slipped through our system of editing and proof-reading.  We try our best, but we are unable to catch all errors, and there appear to be people who derive pleasure from trying to slip non-serious reports into the stream of data that we make available to the public.

We feature below two reports which were discussed last Friday night, October 13, 2017, by Peter Davenport on the radio program, Coast to Coast AM, which appear to address alleged sightings of possible alien creatures.  Obviously, we cannot certify that the reports are authentic, although we have elected to feature them on our homepage, given that we spoke via telephone with the witnesses who submitted both reports, and we were impressed by their apparent sincerity in describing their respective sightings.

  • Nageezi, New Mexico, Friday, August 25th, 2017, @ 8:30 p.m. (Mountain): A husband and wife report that while driving their motorhome south of Nageezi, they witnessed a “bubble shaped,” transparent craft that moved across the highway in front of their vehicle.  They assert in their reports that there were two alien-looking creatures seated in the object, the interior of which appeared to be illuminated with intensely bright light.  Husband’s Report   Wife’s Report
  • Casper, Wyoming, Wednesday, October 04th, 2017, @ 2:30 a.m. (Mountain): A professional truck driver reports having witnessed a bizarre, gray-looking creature standing beside Interstate 25, approximately 15 miles east of Casper, Wyoming.  As the driver passed the creature, the latter appeared to stand upright, and raise one arm over its head.  Even though the sighting was brief, the witness felt that he was able to see the creature in sufficient detail to be able to describe it accurately.  The witness estimated that the creature was approximately 7 feet tall.  Witness Report

We have received some good photos and illustrations recently, which we will attempt to post during the upcoming weekend.

Posted on Thursday evening, October 19, 2017.


The NUFORC website has been updated, as of October 05, 2017, with the posting of 141 new, or newly revised, sighting reports, most of them submitted since the afternoon of September 28th.

Among the newly posted material are quite a number of reports that have been submitted by sources who elect to remain totally anonymous, and who provide either no, or minimal, contact material.  That type of report is often, but not always, of suspect reliability, so we urge visitors to our website, as they read through the reports, to remain skeptical about some of them.


Peter Davenport, Director of NUFORC, is scheduled to appear for 30 minutes on the Timothy W. Beckley radio program at 7:00 p.m. (Pacific Daylight Time), Thursday, October 05th, 2017.  Peter will talk about the history of the National UFO Reporting Center, and several of the more dramatic sighting reports he has covered, during the 23-year tenure as Director.  The program may be accessible from the following website:  https://www.youtube.com/user/MRUFO1100

Peter will be followed at 7:30 p.m. by Mr. Grant Cameron, celebrated UFO investigator, who specializes in several aspects of the UFO phenomenon, to include the relationship of UFOs to several U. S. Presidential administrations.

Peter will appear again on October 5th on the Coast to Coast AM radio program, hosted by George Noory.  He is scheduled to make his weekly appearance at approximately 10:15 p.m. (Pacific), and will discuss several recent sightings of suspected UFOs.

This posting is being made under mild time pressure, so we will dispense with links to reports and illustrations.  We will attempt to post a few items during the upcoming weekend.

Posted Thursday afternoon, October 05th, 2017.


The NUFORC website was updated twice during the past week, with postings on Thursday, September 21st, and then a week later, on September 28th, 2017.  We have posted approximately 240 reports, collected, in aggregate, since September 14th.

Given that our center continues to be inundated with prank telephone calls over its Hotline, we assume that some of the same people who are placing those nuisance calls may be submitting hoaxed written reports, as well.  Hence, we encourage visitors to our website to be discriminating in reading the reports in our database of sightings, and believing everything written there at face value.


In May 2012, our Center, and other UFO organizations, as well, began receiving large numbers of reports of red, orange, or yellow “orbs,” or “fireballs.”  This phenomenon has continued over the past five years, and seems not to have abated in the least during that time.  The date of this posting, September 28th, marks the fourth anniversary of what our staff considers to have been one of the most dramatic such sightings, which was reported to our Center by a retired Arizona Highway Patrol, who resides in Glendale, AZ, a suburb on the northwest corner of Phoenix, AZ.  In order to underscore the unusual nature of the reports of “fireballs,” we revisit that case here:

  • Glendale, Arizona, Saturday, September 28, 2013, @ 7:15 p.m. (Mountain): A former Arizona Highway Patrol officer describes his shock in witnessing an orange “orb” of light, that streaks from west to east in the northern sky.  He quickly walks out to a porch on the northern side of the house, hoping to get a final glimpse of the peculiar object, as it disappeared to the east.  Over the next several minutes, he witnessed another approximately 150 similar objects, which he estimated moved across the sky at approximately 150-200 miles per hour.  Witness Report

NUFORC has received many thousands of similar reports, over the past five years, as exemplified by the case that follows:

  • New Holly, North Carolina, Sunday, September 24th, 2017, @ 8:45 p.m. (Eastern): A husband and wife, while driving from Lake Norman to New Holly, NC, witness a cluster of five yellow lights nearby in the night sky.  The couple apparently experienced electromagnetic effects with at least one cell phone, and other vehicles they encountered nearby may have been similarly affected, according to the witnesses.  Witness Report    Map and Drawing
  • Canton, Georgia, Wednesday, September 27th, 2017, @ 8:42 a.m. (Eastern): An adult male, standing on his daughter’s roof to assess recent wind damage, sees two highly reflective objects in the clear, cloudless sky.  He manages to obtain a low-quality photograph of the two objects and also provided the drawing shown.  Another adult male witnesses the same event, but from ground level.  The two witnesses agreed that objects appeared to be quadrilateral in shape, and were highly reflective.  The objects simply disappeared from the witnesses’ sight, as they watched them. Witness Report


Peter Davenport, NUFORC Director, is scheduled to make his weekly appearance on the Coast to Coast AM radio program, hosted by George Noory, at approximately 10:15 p.m. on Thursday, September 28, 2017.  Peter will discuss the sightings shown above, and several others, as well.

We may post again during the upcoming weekend, and will attempt to share more photos and illustrations that have been submitted to our Center over the past several weeks.

Posted on Thursday afternoon, September 28, 2017.


We have updated our database of sighting reports, as of the afternoon of Thursday, September 14th, 2017, with the posting of approximately 20 new reports, submitted to our Center over the past two days, since our last posting on September 12th.

A few reports that captured our attention this week are shown below:

  • Kalamazoo, Michigan, Tuesday, @ 7:05 p.m. (Eastern): An adult male, while walking at a local college campus, witnesses an “acorn-shaped” object in the distant sky.  Witness Report
  • Charlotte, North Carolina, Wednesday, @ 6:12 a.m. (Eastern): A mother and son witness a “triangle” of orange lights in the morning sky.  The mother reports that it is the second time they have witnessed such an object, over recent months.  Witness Report
  • Charlestown, Rhode Island, Wednesday, September 13, 2017, at 2:00 p.m. (Pacific): As adult male, while relaxing on an ocean beach, witnesses several objects that look somewhat like swept-wing aircraft, but they seemed to the witness to be very unusual.  Witness Report
  • Kearney, Nebraska, Wednesday, September 13, 2017, at 11:30 p.m. (Central): Telephoned Report:  A husband and wife report witnessing a “phalanx-shaped” cluster of star-like lights pass overhead in rapid flight.  The husband reports that the individual lights looked like stars, although they appeared to be oriented in a symmetrical formation, and that the object appeared similar to the delta-shaped craft that appeared over Phoenix, Arizona, on March 13, 1997.  Witness Report


Peter Davenport, NUFORC Director, is scheduled to appear on the Coast to Coast AM radio program, hosted by George Noory, on Thursday night, September 14, 2017, at approximately 10:15 p.m..  Peter will discuss the reports highlighted above, as well as others.

Posted on Thursday afternoon, September 14, 2017. 


Although NUFORC usually updates its website, and database of sighting reports, on Thursdays or Fridays, we have accelerated that schedule this week because of Peter Davenport’s scheduled appearance tonight as a guest on the internet based Coast to Coast “Insider” program.  We thought it would be helpful to the program’s subscribers to have the latest reports posted, in order to invite comments about recent sightings and events.

The program begins at 8:00 p.m. (Pacific) on Tuesday night, September 12, 2017, and Coast to Coast AM host, George Noory, will field questions during the first half hour, followed by Peter during the second half of the program.

We highlight below a few recent reports:

  • Monroe, Michigan, Saturday, September 09th, 2017, @ 10:30 p.m. (Eastern): An adult male observer witnessed an estimated 8-12 unidentified red “orbs” drift across the nighttime sky.  Witness provides a high-quality illustration of the event.  NOTE:  NUFORC has chosen to highlight this case, principally because it is so similar to many other similar cases, involving the sighting of clusters of red, orange, or yellow “fireballs,” or “orbs.”  This type of sighting appears to have increased in frequency, beginning sometime during the month of May 2012, and it has continued unabated.  Witness Report
  • Tinley Park, Illinois, Saturday, July 30, 2016, @ 21:00 hrs. (Central): An adult female reports having witnessed an estimated 25 to 35 “red-orange” self-luminous objects pass slowly overhead.  Witness Report  NOTE:  Tinley Park, and nearby Orland Park, Illinois, were the site of similar sightings on August 21st, and October 31st, 2004.

We expect to post again on Thursday, September 14, and will include a few other photos that have been submitted to NUFORC, in the recent past.

Posted on Tuesday afternoon, September 12, 2017.


Over the past three days, we have updated our website on two occasions, with the posting, in aggregate, of approximately 200 new, and recently amended, reports, received since our last posting on August 24th.

This September 8th posting will be abbreviated, given that we are a bit pressed for time at the time of this update, but we will post again within the next several days, in order to include photographs we’ve received recently, as well as to highlight several very nice reports that have captured our attention.

We always issue a warning to visitors to be on the lookout for flawed or prank reports, and that warning is particularly pertinent in this posting, given the statement which follows below.  We suspect that many of the people who have submitted prank calls to our Hotline probably have also submitted pranked reports.


Beginning on Saturday, August 26th, our Center began receiving a large volume of overtly pranked calls over its Hotline, as many as 100-150 per day!  What immediately caught our attention was the fact that virtually all of the calls were being placed by young children, as young, we estimate, as perhaps 8 years of age, and as old as perhaps 13 or 14 year.

Moreover, what we find equally noteworthy was the fact that all of the prank calls are virtually the same, as if the children were being coached on how to conduct themselves during the their respective calls to the Hotline.  When they call, for example, the young callers often say nothing, simply hanging on the telephone, while remaining totally mute.  In the rare occasions when they actually speak during their call, they usually use a pseudonym, or babel some mishmash of unintelligible nonsense.  In addition, they are generally evasive, and when queried as to where they had learned of our website, they studiously avoid responding, again, remaining mute.  The calls are almost “cookie cutter” like, which we find to be both noteworthy, and unsettling.

After some investigation, we have discovered that the problem appears to be the result of a video posted to YouTube, inviting its many young followers to harass our Center with prank calls:

Many of our friends have expressed their displeasure with the offending posted video by voting to have it removed from YouTube’s website.  We invite anyone who would like to assist us in this effort to cast their vote for removal of the offending website by casting their vote via the process created by YouTube site for just such a circumstance, and which we outline below:

The video is here.  When you get to the page, press the icons shown below to down vote the video and report it as abusive.   Thank you!


Peter Davenport, NUFORC Director, will make his weekly appearance on the Coast to Coast AM radio program, hosted by George Noory, on Friday night, September 08th, 2017, at approximately 10:15 p.m. (Pacific).  He will discuss some recent sightings, and may discuss the problem of prank calls to our Hotline.

We will post again within the next several days.

Posted at 7:00 p.m. on Friday evening, September 08, 2017. 


We have updated our website, as of this date, with the posting of 117 new, and newly revised, sighting reports.

As we do with every update, we encourage visitors to our site to be on the alert for flawed, or hoaxed reports, among not only the new reports, but among those that have been posted to our site for some time.


For some reason that escapes our understanding, some people believe that there is an above-average likelihood of experiencing a UFO sighting during an eclipse, either solar or lunar, than there is at any other time of day or night.  Our Center fails to see any objective evidence to support this claim, and the recent solar eclipse that occurred on August 21st, 2017, seems to provide support for our belief.

People may, in fact experience what they believe was a sighting of a UFO during an eclipse, but the reports submitted to NUFORC for events that occurred during the recent eclipse suggest to use that they are no more likely to occur than they are at any other time.  Our Center received 20 reports for August 21st, 2017, a few of which appeared to have occurred at times when the local solar disc was in some degree of eclipse, but most of the reports appear to us to involve photographic “lens flares,” captured when people pointed their cameras directly at the Sun.  Obviously, such photographic “ghost” images have nothing to do with legitimate sightings of authentic UFOs.


As is usually the case with each posting of new reports, a few have captured our attention, with this update.  We share a few below:

  • Bemow Piskie, Poland, July 22nd, 2017, @ 21:15 hrs. (local): A U. S. Army Scout, providing support with a Stryker vehicle for a live-fire military exercise near a military reserve, witnesses a very brightly luminous object with his night vision devices.  However, the object was not visible with the naked eye, even though the witness felt that it certainly should have been.  Witness Report
  • Treasure Island, Florida, Wednesday, August 23rd, 2017, @ 21:45 hrs. (Eastern): A group of at least five witnesses observe, over the course of more than half an hour a group of different colored lights, seen above the ocean.  The lights seemed to alter their positions, even radically, and they also seemed capable of positioning themselves, relative to one another.  Witness Report


Peter Davenport, Center Director, is scheduled to make his weekly appearance on the Coast to Coast AM radio program, hosted by Mr. George Noory, at approximately 10:15 p.m., Thursday, August 24, 2017.  Peter will discuss several of the more interesting sighting reports that have been posted, as of this date.

Posted Thursday evening, August 24th, 2017. 


The NUFORC website has been updated as of Thursday, August 17, 2017, with the posting of 120 new, and newly amended, sighting reports, submitted since our last update on August 11th.

We encourage visitors to be on the outlook for errors and hoaxed reports, and in particular, among those reports that have been submitted by individuals who elect to remain anonymous, and/or who provide no contact information.  We have attempted to label all the reports submitted by anonymous sources, but there may be other such reports that we failed to detect.

Some of the reports that caught our attention, and which we feel are of particular interest are the following:

  • Milton, Florida, September 15, 2009 (est.), @ 14:30 hrs. (EDT) – Three adult witnesses, while out camping, observe a metallic-looking disc “glide” along a nearby roadway.  They estimated that the disc was 25-30 feet in diameter, and as it moved along the tops of nearby trees, it  was not more than approximately 200 feet from the witnesses.  Witness Report   The witness provided the drawing to the right.
  • Ft. Mill, South Carolina, Friday, August 11, 2017 @ 22:57 hrs. (EDT) – Two adult observers witness, and video tape, a cluster of nine yellow lights, seen moving across the night sky. Witness Report   Video
  • Becket, Massachusetts, Wednesday, August 16, 2017, @ 22:20 hrs. (EDT) – Two on-duty police officers report witnessing a cluster of blue-green “orbs,” moving across the sky, and maneuvering relative to one another. Witness Report


Peter Davenport, Director of NUFORC, is scheduled to make his weekly appearance on the Coast to Coast radio program, hosted by George Noory, at approximately 10:15 p.m. (PDT), Thursday, August 17, 2017.  Peter will talk about those sighting reports shown above, and several others.

Posted on Thursday afternoon, August 17 2017. 


We have posted 144 recently submitted, or recently revised, sighting reports to our database of cases, as of the afternoon of this date.

We have proof-read the reports as carefully as our time allows, but there is always the likelihood that we have overlooked errors in the reports.  With every posting, we are in the habit of encouraging visitors to our website to be on the alert for reports that appear to address something other than apparent UFO-related incidents.  As we comb through the reports, we are constantly on the look-out for incidents related to reflections of the Sun from “Iridium” satellites; overflights of the International Space Station (“ISS”), and of other satellites; missile launches from Florida, California, and Virginia; sightings of stars and planets, etc., and we detect many of those types of incidents, but usually not all of them.

Hence, as visitors read through the reports, we encourage them to always be skeptical, and to be alert for flawed reports, including possible hoaxes.  In particular, be skeptical of those reports from individuals who elect to remain anonymous.  If you discover what you believe may be a defective or misleading report, please send a notification to director@ufocenter.com, and we will review the situation, at our earliest convenience.


The new “crop” of reports include several that have attracted our attention, and we feature several of them below:

  • Montreal, Canada, Saturday, July 22nd, 2017, @ 10:15 p.m. (Eastern) [Case revisited]: We featured this report on our homepage in our July 27 posting, but we do so again, to include an illustration we have received since the first posting.  Witness Report   Illustration shown at right.
  • Western Washington, Spokane, and Idaho, Saturday, July 29, @ 9:58 p.m. (Pacific): A very dramatic object streaked above Puget Sound, heading from south to north, and is reported to have covered an estimated 140-150 degrees of the sky in 7-8 seconds.  The report from a commercial pilot, who was driving in Yelm, Washington, with his wife is one of the more convincing reports, we find. Witness Report    Please see other reports for the same time and date.
  • Oakesdale/Steptoe Butte (Whitman County), Washington, Wednesday, August 02nd, 2017, @ 11:45 p.m. (Pacific): A father and son witness together a very large cluster of perhaps two dozen unidentified lights in the western sky.  The display seemed to give off a “thrumming” sound, as they moved slowly to the north. Son’s Report    Father’s Report
  • Lincoln, Washington, Wednesday, August 02nd, 2017, @ 11:55 p.m. (Pacific): Three members of a family report witnessing a very large display of lights, which appeared to move from the south to the north in the western sky, above the Columbia River. Witness Report

Our Center has received a number of interesting photos, video clips, and illustrations, which we will post at a later date, perhaps this weekend.


Peter Davenport, Center Director, is scheduled to appear on the radio program, Coast to Coast AM, hosted by Mr. George Noory, at approximately 10:15 p.m. (Pacific) on Friday night, August 04th, 2017.  Peter will discuss those reports highlighted above, and several others.

Posted Friday afternoon, August 04th, 2017.


Although we haven’t posted statements to our homepage since July 7th, we have kept the database of incoming UFO sighting reports current over the past three weeks, with updates on both July 14th and July 23rd, 2017.  The update today makes the most recent sighting reports available.

We have devoted a great deal of time to the proof-reading and amending many of the recent reports, in order to make them more understandable than they would have been in their original form.  Although we have attempted, during that process, to correct obvious errors, and eliminate obviously hoaxed reports, we suspect that our “filter” has not detected all flawed reports.  Hence, we urge all visitors to our site, as they read through the reports, to be on the alert for what appear to be errors.  Those reports that deserve special attention, we feel, are those from sources who elect to remain anonymous, and/or who elect to provide no contact information.

Also, we suspect that some of the reports that address a single source of light, passing generally from the western sky to the east may be the result of a sighting of the International Space Station.  We simply have not had sufficient time, leading up to today’s posting, to check all of those suspicious reports against www.Heavens-Above.com, the authoritative website on the overflight schedule of the ISS, and of other major satellites.

Notable recent sightings, which caught our attention, are the following:

  • Montreal, Canada, Saturday, July 22nd, 2017 @ 10:15 p.m. (local): Three adults had gathered on the penthouse of a condominium to watch a fireworks display.  Their attention was attracted by what seemed to them to be an unusual cluster of clouds directly overhead.  Equally quickly, the attention of the three witnesses was drawn to a wedge-shaped object, with unblinking emerald green lights that ran along the ventral surface of the “arms” of the object, which appeared to be hovering motionless in the clouds.  After a short period of time, the object simply faded from the witnesses’ view.  The individual who submitted the report describes himself as holding an advanced degree in an esoteric branch of physics.  Witness Report
  • Tacoma, Washington, Tuesday, July 25th, 2017 @ 10:04 p.m. (Pacific): An adult male reports having witnessed a strange-looking object, which looked to him to be two triangular objects attached to one another, which appeared to be “swimming through the sky.”  The object suddenly appeared to change its trajectory through the sky, and seemed to suddenly descend vertically. Witness Report


Peter Davenport is scheduled to make his weekly appearance on the Coast to Coast AM radio program, hosted by Mr. George Noory, at approximately 10:15 p.m. (Pacific) on Thursday night, July 27, 2017.  Peter will discuss several intriguing sighting reports, including the two highlighted above.  The program can be heard in most locations on a major AM station.

We will attempt to post again, within the next several days, and will include a few photos and illustrations that have been submitted together with reports, in the recent past.

Posted on Thursday afternoon, July 27, 2017. 


The NUFORC website has been updated as of Friday, July 07, 2017, with the posting of 267 new sighting reports, received by our Center since the afternoon of Thursday, June 22nd, 2017.

Our staff has proof-read the reports as carefully as possible, but we always caution visitors to our site to be on the lookout for flawed, or hoaxed, reports, as they read through the reports,.  If you find a report that you believe contains an error, please call it to our attention by sending an e-mail to director@ufocenter.com, and we will look into the issue at our earliest convenience.


During his last weekly appearance on Coast to Coast radio program on Friday, June 30th, 2017, Peter Davenport, Director of NUFORC, commented about a number of reports about a seemingly dramatic aerial event that had occurred on the East Coast of the U. S. at approximately 4:30 a.m. (EDT) on Thursday morning, June 29th.  Shortly after that broadcast, it was brought to our attention that a rocket had been launched from the Wallops Island (Virginia) Flight Facility at the time, and on the date, cited by witnesses, and that the launch was an experiment, designed to release large clouds of colorful materials into the atmosphere.  The event had nothing to do with the UFO phenomenon, and we apologize for possibly leading people to believe that the event might have been UFO related.

Here is a link to the webpage which discusses the launch, and where the statement below appears regarding the June 29 launch:


Past Launches

Ampoule Test

June 29, 2017

4:25 a.m. EDT

suborbital Terrier-Improved Malemute


During the flight of a two-stage Terrier-Improved Malemute sounding rocket, ten canisters about the size of a one-liter drink bottle will be deployed to 6 to 12 miles from the 670-pound main payload. Between approximately 3.5 and 5 minutes after launch, blue-green and red vapor will be deployed from the canisters forming artificial clouds. These clouds or vapor tracers allow scientists on the ground to visually track the winds in space. The development of the canister or ampoule ejection system will allow scientists to gather information over a much larger or spatial area than previously allowed when deploying the vapor just from the main payload.


To the right are two photos that we believe are of the launch, and which were forwarded to NUFORC from witnesses in Staunton, Virginia and Massapequa, New York.


Over the past several years, and perhaps going back to as far as 1997, NUFORC has noted that there is a peak of sightings during fireworks displays, which appear to be distinctly unrelated to the fireworks themselves.  A quick survey of sighting reports for Independence Day fireworks displays for past several years will support that statement, we believe, and sightings on July 4th of 2017, appear to be no exception to the phenomenon.  We highlight below a few of the reports NUFORC has received for sightings on July 4th of this year:

  • Patchogue, New York, Tuesday, July 4th, 2017, @ 20:40 hrs. (EDT): Two adult witnesses observe a distinctly red unidentified object hovering over a fireworks display.  The first craft is soon joined by a second, similar object.  After the fireworks display, both objects move slowly to the north, and soon disappear from sight.  The duration of the sighting is estimated by the witnesses to have been approximately 100 minutes!  Witness Report
  • Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Tuesday, July 4th, 2017, @ 2100 hrs. (CDT): Two adult witnesses, mother and daughter, witness an unusual red light in the night sky.  While the daughter watches the object, it changes its color to a pulsing white light, and appears to become smaller in appearance.  A short time later, the light changes to a pulsing green, and suddenly appears to “jump” across the night sky. Witness Report


Peter Davenport will appear on the Coast to Coast radio program, hosted by Mr. George Noory, on Friday night, July 7th, 2017, at approximately 10:15 p.m. (Pacific).  Peter will discuss some of the items addressed above, as well as several other recent reports.

Posted Friday afternoon, July 07th, 2017.


We have updated our website with the posting of 127 new, or recently amended, sighting reports, most of which have been submitted to our Center, or altered, since Thursday, June 15th.

As visitors to our website read through the reports, we encourage them to be on the alerts for errors and hoaxed reports, and in particular in the case of those reports that have been submitted by individuals who elect to remain anonymous, and who provide no contact information.  We make an effort to label all reports from sources who elect to remain anonymous.


Peter will be traveling, for the next several days, and away from the UFO Hotline.  However, he will monitor incoming calls, and will attempt to return important calls, as quickly as possible.

During Peter’s absence from the Center, if you believe that you may have been witness to a UFO, we would like to encourage you, in lieu of telephoning the Hotline, to immediately compose a detailed written statement, in which you describe the sighting thoroughly, and submit that statement, using our Online Report Form.  In that written format, your report can then be posted to our website, and shared, in anonymous form, with the public.


In the course of a typical month, our Center receives many photographs, and many people ask why we do not post more photos than are seen on our homepage.  The answer to that question is that most photos submitted to NUFORC, we usually end up concluding, are simply objects of terrestrial origin.  Most of those photos that we receive, and which we conclude, or suspect, are not photos of genuine UFOs are those that exhibit a “lens flare,” caused when a photo is taken with the camera pointed at a bright source of light, e.g. the Sun, a full Moon, streetlights, etc..  The light that enters the camera’s lens is reflected back and forth between surfaces of the glass elements of the objective lens, and they end up forming a “ghost” image of the bright source of light.

This type of photo is taking a great deal of our time, which is being expended on items that have nothing to do with the UFO phenomenon.  Consequently, we share here this week a few examples of what we strongly suspect are photos that contain lens flares, and other objects that clearly are not of authentic UFOs, with the hope that it will allow people with this type of photo to properly identify the images for what they really are.

A fact that provides a hint that an image in a photo may be a lens flare, and not a genuine object that was present when the photo was taken, is that a straight line, drawn between the “ghost” image, and the bright source of light in the photo that is presumed to have caused the image, passes through the geometrical center of the photograph.

We present below a few photos, which contain what we believe probably are lens flares, together with what the photographers have had to write about the images, following the discovery by the photographer of anomalous objects in their photo:

  • Example #1:  Dresden, Germany, Friday, June 2nd, 2017, @ 10:04 p.m. (local): A woman took two photos of the Semperoper Building at the Theaterplatz, and later detected peculiar lights above the building in the nighttime sky.  We suspect, but cannot be certain, that the lights seen in the night sky are lens flares, caused by the bright street lamps near the building.  Witness Report   Photo
  • Example #2:  In flight (Tokyo, Japan, to Manila, Philippines): Date unknown.  A young male photographed out the window of an airliner, and later detected a red object near the Sun.  No written report submitted.  Photo


Peter Davenport, Center Director, will make his weekly appearance on Coast to Coast AM, hosted by Mr. George Noory, on Thursday night, June 22nd, 2017, at approximately 10:15 p.m.

Posted on Thursday, June 22, 2017.


We have executed a hasty update of our homepage, as of this date, with the posting of 109 new, or newly revised, sighting reports.  Please be alert for errors or hoaxed reports in the new postings, in particular among those that are labeled as having been submitted by anonymous sources.

There are many intriguing reports in this week’s posting, but one from Troy, Vermont, in particular, caught our attention, principally, because it was submitted together with a high-quality photograph.  Also, it was of interest because it appears to address the phenomenon involving red and orange lights, seen in the nighttime sky, a phenomenon that our Center has been calling to the attention of the UFO community now for five years.  We have highlighted the case below:

Troy, Vermont, Thursday, June 08th, 2017, @ 2130 hrs. (EDT): A husband and wife witness at least three orange lights in the nighttime sky, which may have been attached to a dark object which was not visible.  One of the objects appeared to ascend vertically at a rapid rate, and the other two objects moved along a different pathway in the sky.  The husband reports that he used to be stationed in Afghanistan, where he was accustomed to seeing different type of munitions, so he probably is a discriminating witness.  Witness Report   Photo


Peter Davenport, Center Director, is scheduled to make his weekly appearance on Coast to Coast AM, hosted by Mr. George Noory, on Thursday night, June 15, 2017, at approximately 10:15 p.m. (Pacific).  Peter will discuss the case addressed above, and several others that have been submitted over the course of the past week.

Posted on Thursday, June 15, 2017.


We have updated the NUFORC website, as of this date, with the posting of approximately 140 new, or recently amended, sighting reports.  The new reports are those received by our Center since approximately noon on Friday, June 02nd, 2017.

We urge visitors to our site, as they read through the newly posted material, to be on the alert for what appear to be flawed, or hoaxed, reports.  We have made what we believe was a concerted effort to proof-read the reports this week, and to amend, label, or remove, suspicious reports, but we sometimes err in our screening process, and there is always the possibility that we may have may have overlooked something.

Several of the reports that appear in the database, this week, address the alleged sightings of red and orange “fireballs,” a phenomenon that our Center has been reporting on since June 2012.  NUFORC has received an estimated 20,000 such reports, since the beginning of the phenomenon five years ago, and we believe that we are no closer to understanding what these objects are than we were when it first became noticeable.

We summarize below a few of the posted reports that caught our attention, this week:

  • Placitas, New Mexico, August 15, 1969 (est.), @ 5:30 p.m. (MDT): An adult male witness exited the local post office, and noticed a group of people standing and staring at a strange, transparent, and motionless pink “ball of light,” with a blue core.  The Albuquerque Journal reported that a “weather balloon” had been witnessed in the area.   Witness Report
  • 18765776_1959896987369539_6766482432917726353_nLander/Giant Rock, California, Sunday, May 21st, 2017, @ 10:15 p.m. (PDT): A group of approximately 50 witnesses, who were part of a sky-watching party at the Contact in the Desert conference, witnessed a yellow object (or objects) streak across the night sky, being pursued by what appeared to be a military fighter jet.  Several of the witnesses have shared high-quality video of the incident, and an illustration of what the object looked like to at least one of them (at right).  Please see multiple reports for the incident, posted in the database of cases.


  • Lovington, New Mexico, Monday, May 22nd, 2017, at 5:30 p.m. (MDT): An adult male reports having witnessed a bright, shiny, V-shaped craft, which appeared to drop out of the bottom of a nearby cloud, then move off quickly to the west.  Soon after the first sighting, a second similar craft dropped out of the same cloud and shot off to the east.  Over the subsequent several minutes, five or six other craft appeared, and then accelerated off in different directions.  Witness Report

  • Parker/Aurora, Colorado, Wednesday, June 07, 2017, @ 4:45 p.m. (MDT): An adult male reports having witnessed three dark objects, which initially appeared to be hovering almost motionless in the distant sky.  One of the three objects moved away from the group, and then returned to its original position.    Witness Report
  • Annapolis, Maryland, June 06, 2017, @ 10:00 p.m. (EDT): An adult male, who describes himself as a medical professional, reports having witnessed a peculiar fireball, almost the size of a full Moon, streak across a large expanse of the nighttime sky, leaving a trail behind it.  He allowed for the possibility that the object may have been a meteor, but he didn’t believe it was because of its strange appearance.  Witness Report


Peter Davenport, NUFORC Director, is scheduled to make his weekly appearance on the Coast to Coast AM radio program, hosted by Mr. George Noory, at 10:15 p.m. (Pacific), on Friday night, June 09, 2017.  Peter will discuss those reports cited above, as well as several more recent cases.

Posted Friday afternoon, June 09th, 2017


Following Peter Davenport’s extended absence from the Center during May, our website it now updated, with the posting today of 207 accumulated sighting reports, and the telephone Hotline is now back to its normal operation.

We express our gratitude to all those people who refrained from making telephone calls to the Hotline, or who left only brief messages, during Peter’s absence from the Center during the McMenamins UFO Festival in McMinnville, Oregon, during May 18th to the 21st.  With the smaller than usual load of telephone calls, Peter was able to respond to virtually all of the calls placed to the Hotline during his absence.

With every new update of our website, we invariably warn visitors to the site to be on the lookout for flawed reports, and in particular, reports that have been submitted from sources who elect to remain anonymous, and who provide no contact information.


Peter Davenport will appear on the Coast to Coast AM radio program, hosted by George Noory, on Friday night, June 02nd, 2017, at approximately 10:15 p.m. (PDT).  Peter will discuss some of the recent sightings that have reported during the past week.


Over the past two weeks, NUFORC has received a large number of photographs, submitted by witnesses, although most of them appear to us to be so ambiguous as to be of little interest, with a few exceptions.  However, we are sorting through the photos and performing a second screening process, and may post some of them over the weekend, or perhaps next week.  We need a bit more time than we have at the time of this posting to screen them carefully, before we present them as photographs of authentic UFOs.


We have performed a hasty update of the website, as of this date, with the posting of approximately 68 recently received sighting reports.

We always caution visitors to our website, as they read through the new reports, to be on the alert for flawed reports, or attempts to slip prank reports past our proof-reader.  We believe that we detect most of them, but we don’t “bat 1,000” in that capacity, yet.


Peter Davenport, NUFORC Director, will be in attendance at the 18th annual McMenamins UFO Festival, which is held in McMinnville, Oregon, located approximately an hour’s drive southwest of Portland.  Details of the Festival, including the list of scheduled speakers, can be seen at the conference homepage.


Peter is scheduled to make his weekly brief appearance on Coast to Coast AM, hosted by George Noory, at approximately 10:15 p.m. (Pacific) on Thursday night, May 11, 2017.  Peter will discuss a few of the reports received since his last appearance on the program on Friday, May 5th.

As mentioned above, this is an update we make in some haste, in order to get the most recent reports posted, in preparation for Peter’s appearance on Coast to Coast AM tonight.  We may post again during the upcoming weekend.

Statement posted on Thursday afternoon, May 11, 2017.


We have updated the NUFORC website, as of this date, with the posting of 105 new sighting reports that have been received since the evening of Friday, April 28th, 2017.  A few of the new reports are highlighted below.

We always urge visitors to our site, as they read through the reports, to be on the alert for flawed or hoaxed reports.  We have proof-read the reports as carefully as we can, but there always is the possibility that a report may have slipped through our “filter.”

Here are a few reports that we believe deserve special attention:

  • Fords, New Jersey, Saturday, April 29, 2017, @ 1905 hrs. (EDT): An adult male reports that while sitting in a laundromat, looking through a large window, he witnessed a brilliantly white, somewhat elongated craft drop down out of the sky at a 70-degree (est.) angle of descent.  He reports that the edges of the craft were a bit “blurry,” and that the object appeared to be headed to a nearby warehouse park.  His impression was that the object may have landed there.  Witness Report
  • Woods Hole, Massachusetts, Saturday, April 29, 2017, @ 2030 hrs. (EDT): Two adult witnesses, both of whom are trained research-grade scientists, were sitting outside, admiring the night sky, when one called the attention of her colleague to a formation of rectangular-shaped, somewhat yellow in color, lights, in a phalanx-shaped formation, passing overhead at a rapid rate.  Two of the yellow lights appeared to switch positions with one another, after which the formation stopped and remained motionless in position for a short period of time.  Shortly after the formation had stopped, the whole cluster reportedly just faded from view.  Witness Report
  • Lawrenceville, New Jersey, Monday, May 1st, 2017, @ 2100 (EDT): A young woman and a male friend were preparing dinner in her kitchen, when and intensely bright shaft of blue light suddenly flashed through the kitchen for approximately two seconds duration.  The light was so bright that it left the two witnesses “light blinded” for several seconds, following the flash.  Witness Report

  • Portland, Oregon, Wednesday, May 3rd, 2017, @ 2100 hrs. (PDT): Two witnesses stand outside for twenty minutes, observing three lights in the night sky.  The lights appeared to maneuver for several minutes, first forming a triangular pattern, and then arranged into a horizontal, straight-line formation.  The primary light on one of the objects appeared to dim, revealing prominent flashing red and white lights.  All three lights departed and disappeared from sight, after which one of them returned to the same location where it had been in the sky.  One witness captured the photo shown to the right.  Witness Report


We recently received an e-mail from Mr. Keith Rowell, webmaster for the Oregon chapter of the Mutual UFO Network, regarding his investigation of possible UFO “hotspots” in that state.  His findings, which are quite interesting, can be found here:  http://www.oregonmufon.com/index.php/ufo-statistics/145-oregon-ufo-hotspots .   We express our gratitude to Keith for his analysis of the data, and for his allowing NUFORC to link to his findings on the Oregon MUFON website!

NUFORC probably will update its website within the next several days, and will provide links and more photos that have been submitted to our Center.

Posted on Saturday afternoon, May 06th, 2017.


We have updated our website with the posting of 132 new, and recently amended, sighting reports, most of which have been received since our last posting on April 20th.

We encourage visitors to the site, as they read through the new reports, to be on the alert for flawed and prank reports, and in particular, among those reports that are submitted by anonymous sources.  We suspect that those reports from sources who choose not to identify themselves have a higher-than-average likelihood of being hoaxes, although that clearly is not the case for all such reports, some of which we find to be quite interesting, and convincing.

Some of the newly posted reports that we found to be of particular interest this week are the following:

  • Churchill/Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, December 31st, 1979, @ ~2100 hrs. (EST): An adult male, who describes himself as an aerospace engineer, was walking to a New Year’s party, when he looked into the night sky and witnessed a dark, or black, cigar-shaped object.  The object was sitting motionless in the sky for approximately 7-10 seconds, long enough, the witness believed for him to be able to see the object clearly.  The object just seemed to disappear, without appearing to have moved at all.  It just “winked” out.  Witness Report
  • Vance AFB, Oklahoma, Tuesday, April 25th, 2017, @ 2115 hrs. (CDT): Two adult males, both experienced aviation specialists, report having witnessed a strange, triangular craft streak across the night sky, below clouds.  The object exhibited no marker lights, which surprised the witnesses, and it covered most of the visible sky in under ten seconds.  The object was silent.  Witness Report
  • Ponca City, Oklahoma, Tuesday, April 25th, 2017, @ 0000 hrs. (CDT): An adult woman was flying on a commercial jet airliner, looking out her window into the midnight sky, when she suddenly witnessed two bizarre looking objects that appeared to be not too distance from the aircraft she was on.  One of the objects was shaped like a horseshoe, yellow in color, and the other looked like a classic disc-shaped saucer. Witness Report


  • Parsonsfield, Maine, Tuesday, April 25th, 2017, @ 2100 hrs. (EDT): An adult male reports witnessing an unidentified red object, that appeared to “dance” above the White Mountains of New Hampshire.  After several minutes of watching the object, the witness observed a very bizarre yellow/orange flash of light, at which time a second red object suddenly appeared.  A short time later, a second flash occurred, and both objects suddenly disappeared.  Witness Report
  • Florida (many locations), Tuesday, April 25th, 2017, @ 2350 hrs. (EDT): Approximately a dozen high-quality sighting reports were submitted in rapid sequence by witnesses in multiple locations in Florida’s Pinellas Park, Miami, Largo, Plant City, Seminole, West palm Beach, Port Charlotte, Plantation, Apollo Beach, Clearwater, Jupiter, and Bradenton.  Three adult witnesses in Largo reported having had a disc-shaped object descend out of nearby clouds, and hover briefly near their residence in the night sky.  They report that the object suddenly darted back into the same area of the sky from which it had first come, disappearing again into the clouds.  Please see reports from Florida for the night in question.
  • New Brunswick, New Jersey, Friday, April 28th, 2017, @ 1030 hrs. (EDT): And here is a report that arrived moments ago, after we had initiated updating the website:

Date:  04/28/17

Time:  10:30

Duration:  2 minutes

Sighting City:  New Brunswick

Sighting State:  NJ

Sighting Zip:  08901

Sighting County:  Middlesex

Witnesses:  1 (possibly multiple)

Shape:  Disk

Number of Craft:  1

Description: Shiny, silver disk witnessed high in sky above highway I-287 in New Jersey.

On my drive home early from my job as a senior research laboratory technician on I-287 South in New Jersey, I caught a glimpse of a shiny metallic object in the sky. The sky was crystal clear blue with not a single cloud in sight. At first I dismissed it as a plane, but with longer examination I realized it was a slim, nearly-flat silver disk with no vapor trail. It appeared to slowly hover to the South then in seconds it swiftly changed direction and zipped off to the East and completely vanished. I noticed other drivers had slowed and were looking and pointing at the same region of the sky where I witnessed the craft.


Peter Davenport, NUFORC Director, is scheduled to appear on the Coast to Coast AM radio program, hosted by George Noory, on Friday night, April 28th, at approximately 10:15 p.m. (PDT).  Peter will discuss those reports addressed above, and perhaps others, as well.

Posted on Friday evening, April 28th, 2017.


Our website has been updated, as of the afternoon of Thursday, April 20th, with the posting to our database of cases 154 new, or newly amended, sighting reports.  As we do with every new posting of reports, we urge visitors to our website to be on the alert for defective reports.  If you encounter a report that appears to be flawed, or bogus, please send your observation to director@ufocenter.com, and we will address the issue at our earliest convenience.


Several of the newly posted reports have caught our attention, and we feature them below:

  • Newton, Alabama, Wednesday, April 19, 2017, @ 23:55 hrs. (EDT): Two adults report witnessing a triangular-shaped craft, which exhibited an estimated seven white lights on its leading edge, passed overhead silently, and at very high speed.  They both estimated that its apparent size, from their vantage point, was larger than that of a full Moon. Witness Report 1    Witness Report 2   Drawing below.

  • North Myrtle Beach/Garden City/Surfside Beach, South Carolina, Wednesday, April 19, 2017, @ 20:50 hrs. (EDT): Three seemingly independent groups of witnesses report sightings of peculiar orange lights in Horry County, SC, at approximately the same time, and on the same night.  Witness Report 1    Witness Report 2    Witness Report 3
  • Cape Girardeau, Missouri, Wednesday, April 19, 2017, @ 08:16 hrs. (CDT): An adult male, who describes himself as an experienced public employee, with military background, reports having witnessed a highly-reflective, spherical object move across the clear, cloudless sky, coursing generally from north to south.  The object seemed to simply disappear instantly. Witness Report
  • Garden City, South Carolina, Wednesday, April 19, 2017, @ 02:53 hrs. (EDT): An adult male, who works as a bartender, took his dogs out for a late-night walk, when he became aware of a “pink/yellow” light in the dark morning sky, which he first assumed to be a planet.  As he watched the object, however, he quickly realized that it was moving slowly across the sky.  Within seconds, the witness reports, a second similar light appeared in the sky, moved toward the first light, and the two lights “merged,” becoming noticeably brighter than either one separately, and their shape appeared to change.  Witness Report
  • Kent/Uniontown, Ohio, Tuesday, April 18, 2017, @ 22:20 hrs. (EDT): A woman leaves volleyball practice at Kent State University, and as she drives to her parents’ residence, she becomes aware of a very bright light, which appears to be following her vehicle, and perhaps illuminating it.  As she is sitting at a red traffic signal, the object suddenly accelerates dramatically, and jumps a significant distance across the sky, scaring her very badly.  Her father witnessed the object, as well.  Witness Report


Peter Davenport, NUFORC Director, is scheduled to make his weekly appearance on the Coast to Coast AM radio program, hosted by Mr. George Noory, at approximately 10:15 p.m. (PDT) on Thursday night, April 20, 2017.  Peter will discuss the cases above, and several others.

Posted Thursday afternoon, April 20th, 2017. 


We have posted to our website approximately 130 new, and newly revised, sighting reports, received since the evening of April 7th, 2017.

We always caution visitors to our site, as they read through the reports, to be on the alert for defects in the reports, most of all with regard to the time and date of an alleged incident.  Also, please be alert for possible hoaxes among the reports, which sometimes escape our attention as we proof-read them.

We highlight below a few of the reports which we found to be of particular interest this week:

  • South Carolina (in-flight; above), Wednesday, April 12, 2017, @ 6:00 p.m. (EDT): A person who describes himself, or herself, as a military pilot, reports having had an unidentified, diamond-shaped, metallic-looking object pass within a very close proximity to a military aircraft being piloted by the witness. Witness Report
  • Georgia/South Carolina/North Carolina, Wednesday, April 12, 2017, @ 8:54 p.m. (approximate time) (EDT): Multiple witnesses, stretching from Washington, Georgia, to Gastonia, North Carolina, reported having witnessed a very dramatic fireball pass rapidly across the nighttime sky.  Many witnesses were strongly of the opinion that the object was not a meteor, given the absence of a smoky trail behind it, and given that the object allegedly was witnessed by at least one witness to slow to a stop, and then shoot off along a different path from the path it had initially been following. Witness Report 1    Witness Report 2
  • Murray, Utah, Wednesday, April 12, 2017, @ 8:00 p.m. (MDT): An adult male, who describes himself as a long-time employee in the aerospace industry, describes his having witnessed a strange-looking, black object streak across the clear and cloudless nighttime sky.  The object allegedly covered almost the entire sky in an estimated 4 to 6 seconds.  Witness Report

Another report which we had intended to highlight during March is the following:

  • Grand Terrace, California, Friday, March 10th, 2017, @ 8:45 p.m. (PDT): A husband and wife, out walking their dogs, witness a cluster of approximately 24 unidentified white lights, hovering in the nighttime sky.  The witnesses reported the incident to the press, which gave the incident no coverage.  Witness Report   They supplied the photo at right.


Peter Davenport, Director of NUFORC, is scheduled to make his weekly appearance on the Coast to Coast AM radio program, hosted by Mr. George Noory, at approximately 10:15 p.m. (Pacific) on Thursday night, April 13, 2015.  He will discuss the cases above, as well as others that have been submitted recently.

Posted on Thursday afternoon, April 13, 2017. 


We have updated the website and database of sighting reports as of this date, with the posting of 188 reports that have been either received or amended by our Center since March 23rd, 2017.

We have succeeded in doing this week what we feel is a better-than-average job of correcting errors, and either deleting or “flagging” flawed reports, but there is always the chance that defective reports may have escaped our attention.  Consequently, as visitors read through the new reports, we encourage them to be on the alert for possible errors, as well as for out-and-out hoaxes, which sometimes escape our attention.


For some reason that escapes our understanding, some visitors to our website are left with the impression that NUFORC is interested only in recent sightings, i.e. those that have occurred within the past week, or month.  However, that certainly is not the case, and we welcome reports of suspected sightings of UFOs, no matter how long ago they occurred.

We highlight below a report of a long-past sighting, which we received recently regarding an event witnessed in July 1950 by three young teenage men who were driving in the mountains near Quincy, California, and who encountered a metallic-looking, disc-shaped object, seen hovering over a nearby mountains.  Please click on the link to the report submitted by one of the three young witnesses. Witness Report

And here is another report we received from a gentleman who experienced a more recent sighting, together with a number of his co-workers at the Newport News, Virginia Shipyard:

Newport News, Virginia, April 5th, 2017 @ 05:10 a.m. (EDT): An adult male was standing beside the ship he was working on, taking his morning break, when he observed a large, dark-colored triangular craft, which complex blinking lights, pass overhead slowly.  Several co-workers also witnessed the craft, although they have elected not to submit reports about the incident, out of concern for their employment. Witness Report


Peter Davenport, Director of NUFORC, is scheduled to appear on the Coast to Coast AM radio program, hosted by Mr. George Noory, on Friday night, April 7th, 2017, at approximately 10:15 p.m. (Pacific Daylight Time).  Peter will discuss the two sightings above, and several others.  The program can be heard in all areas of the U. S., and around the world, on local AM radio stations.

We will post again soon, and will include several photos that we have received recently.

This update was posted on Friday afternoon, April 7th, 2017.


Our website, and database of sighting reports, have been updated as of this date, with the posting of 116 new, or recently amended, reports, submitted to our Center since Friday, March 17.

We have proofread the reports, to the best of our ability, but there is always the possibility that some flawed, or even hoaxed, reports may have slipped through our “screening” process.  Hence, as visitors to our website read through the reports, we urge them to be on the alert for reports that may contain errors.  If you find what you believe may be a flawed report, please send us an e-mail to director@ufocenter.com, and we will address the issue at our earliest convenience.

One of this week;s reports that captured our attention is highlighted below:

New Orleans/Gulf of Mexico, Louisiana, Tuesday, March 21st, 2017, @ 1900 hrs. (local): A chief engineer aboard a 240-foot long commercial delivery ship reports that he, along with several of his shipmates, witnessed a disc-shaped object rise out of the Gulf of Mexico, hover for a short time, and then suddenly accelerate, and streak off into the evening sky.  The witness estimated that the diameter of the object was approximately five times the length of the ship he was working on.  His belief is that a total of as many as 50 people, working on nearby ships, may have seen the object, as well.  Witness Report


Peter Davenport, NUFORC Director, will make his weekly appearance on Coast to Coast AM radio Thursday night, March 23rd, at approximately 10:15 p.m. (PDT).  Peter will focus on the case addressed above, as well as on several others.

Posted on Thursday afternoon, March 23rd, 2017.



We have updated our website, as of this date, with the posting to our database of approximately 115 new, and recently amended, sighting reports, most of which having been submitted to our Center since March 10th.

We have proofread the reports as carefully as time permits, but there may still be a few reports in those we have posted that are flawed, or which may be intentional hoaxes.  Every time we update the NUFORC website, we encourage visitors to allow for the fact that some of the reports may be defective, and in particular, with regard to the time and date of an alleged sighting.  Also, some may be out-and-out hoaxes, particularly those submitted by individuals who wish to remain anonymous.

A few of the reports that have captured our interest are the following:

  • Tacoma, Washington, Sunday, March 12, 2017, @ 1945 hrs. (PDT): Two adults, mother and daughter, witnessed a large cluster of bright lights, seen drifting across the night sky in a random pattern for approximately 10 minutes.  The objects rose in to the clouds and disappeared from sight.  Note:  At the time of this writing, we are unable to certify that the objects reported were not so-called “sky” lanterns, or “Chinese” lanterns, which are sometimes launched at celebrations.  However but we post this case, nevertheless, hoping that the report may induce other witnesses to come forward, who may also have seen the objects, and/or someone who knows what the objects were.      Witness Report   Photo to right.
  • Lava Hot Springs, Idaho, Tuesday, March 14, 2017, @ 2210 hrs. (MDT): An adult male, who describes himself as a former member of the U. S. Coast Guard, witnessed a very peculiar looking object hovering in the night sky.  The object appeared to exhibit three separate lights, which were red, yellow, and white.  After the object had remained almost motionless in the night sky, it suddenly appeared to “explode” into at least two separate fragments, and fall to the ground.  The witness reported the sighting to a local law enforcement unit. Witness Report
  • And here is a report of a sighting in Anchorage, which just arrived, and which was submitted by a gentleman who describes himself as an “engineer”:

Date:  03/14/2017

Time:  23:30

sketchDuration:  20 seconds

Sighting City:  Anchorage

Sighting State:  AK

Sighting Zip:  99508

Witnesses:  2

Shape:  Diamond

Number of Craft:  1

3 orbs in the shape of a triangle, morphed to a long thin line of light above tree line in Anchorage

While taking the dog for a walk, at University Lake in Anchorage, we headed through a treed trail, and on to a clearing.  After several seconds, my daughter said, “Dad, look at the lights in the trees.”  To the north, I saw three white orbs in the shape of a triangle rise above the tree line.  It appeared to turn West, and as doing so, the “orbs” turned into a long thin bright white light.  Like a long fluorescent light bulb, but so much brighter.  It then headed West and no lights were visible.  I opened my eyes wide to let as much light in as possible (the moon was not above the horizon at the time).  That is when I noticed the shape, very much like a box kite, but with triangles on top and bottom; essentially an elongated diamond.

We stood there for about a minute after and headed back down the wooded trail talking about what we had seen.  After about 40 yards, I said let’s go back.  I was shining my flashlight on the tree line and my daughter said that if we see anything, she will record it with her IPhone.

Once again, three orbs in the shape of a triangle appeared in the same spot slowly rising above the tree line.  This time my daughter took out her phone to record and her phone died.  She said it was at 60%.  The same scenario as above played out, the orbs turned to one long bright light, then as headed West was just a dark silhouette of an elongated diamond until it went out of view (total time about 20 seconds each occurrence.  At this point we left as it was cold.  My daughters phone did not turn back on until we got home and plugged it in.  it immediately showed 62% of battery power.”


Peter Davenport, Center Director, is scheduled to make his weekly appearance on Coast to Coast AM, hosted by Mr. George Noory, at approximately 10:15 p.m. (PDT) on Friday night, March 17, 2017.  Peter will discuss the two reports above, together with several others.

Statement posted on Friday afternoon, March 17, 2017. 


We have updated the NUFORC website…the first update since February 23rd…with the posting, as of this date, to our database of approximately 266 new, and newly revised, sighting reports.

We always encourage visitors to our website, as they read through the reports, to be on the lookout for flawed reports, and that warning is particularly a propos, given the multiple planets that are currently visible in the evening and morning skies. As anyone reading through the reports will note, the new reports are fraught with cases of mistaken identification of the planet, Venus, in the western sky, during the early and mid-portion of the evening.  We have attempted to properly identify those flawed reports, but we suspect that many reports still remain among the new reports, which have not been properly labelled as sightings of celestial bodies.

A few of the recent reports that we would like to call to the attention of visitors of our site are the following:

  • Ypsilanti, Michigan, Wednesday, March 08, 2017: Two observers report having sighted a peculiar cluster of strange lights, allegedly seen hovering in the direction of a local body of water.  The lights reportedly hovered in the nighttime sky for approximately one hour.  The witness provides what appears to NUFORC to be high quality photos and video.  If anyone visiting the NUFORC website saw the same objects, or knows what they were, we would like to invite that person to submit a written report, using our Online Report Form.  See the video here


  • Tulsa, Oklahoma, June 20, 2015, @ 13:30 hrs. (CDT): Two sisters and their mother report having witnessed a strange looking, “barbell-shaped” object in the afternoon sky. Witness Report

We will update the NUFORC site, and share more photos and illustrations, within the next several days.


Peter Davenport usually does a weekly UFO update on the Coast to Coast AM radio program, hosted by George Noory, but his appearance could not be scheduled this week.  Peter probably will appear again on Friday of next week, March 17, 2017.

Posted Friday evening, March 10, 2017. 


We have updated our website, with the posting of approximately 88 new, or newly revised, sighting reports.  When reading the reports, please be on the alert for errors and hoaxed reports and reports about the planet, Venus, which currently is very prominent in the southwestern, and later, the western sky, during the early evening hours.



Peter Davenport, Center Director, is scheduled to speak at the UFO/Paranormal Summit on Saturday afternoon, February 25th, 2017.  Details can be obtained at:  http://www.quinaultbeachresort.com/ufoparanormal-summit/


Peter is scheduled to make his weekly appearance on the Coast to Coast radio program, hosted by Mr. George Noory, at approximately 10:15 p.m., Friday, February 24th, 2017.  Peter will discuss some recently submitted cases, which may include the following:

Capitola, California, Friday, February 13, 2017, @ 20:00 hrs. (PST): A young woman witnessed six distinctly red objects, hovering for approximately 15 minutes, which all appeared to ascend, and fade into the night sky.  Witness Report    Photo

Distant Early Warning Line, Canada and the northern U. S., early 1950s: A former member of the U. S. Air Force writes about the many detections, and attempted intercepts, of UFOs by the DEW line radar system.  ((PLEASE LINK TO SIGHTING REPORT #132696.))

Posted Thursday afternoon, February 23rd, 2017.


Peter Davenport, Director of NUFORC, is scheduled to make his weekly appearance on Coast to Coast AM, hosted by George Noory, at approximately 10:15 p.m. (Pacific) on Friday evening, February 17th, 2017.  Peter will discuss several of the reports that have been posted to the NUFORC website on this date.


We have updated the website, and database of sighting reports, with the posting of 103 new reports, received by our Center since Friday afternoon, January 27, 2017.

As we always share with visitors to our website, as you read the reports, please be on the alert for errors and prank reports.  We make every effort to correct errors, and either remove or properly label hoaxes, but we suspect that we do not detect all of them.  If you detect what you believe to be an error, or a prank report, please send a notification to director@ufocenter.com, and we will address the issue as promptly as we can.


Sahuarita, Arizona, Saturday, January 28, 2017, @ 20:50 hours (Mountain): A husband, his wife, and their adult son were outside, intending to photograph the planet, Venus, when their attention was drawn to a cluster of orange lights, arranged in a triangular pattern, moving across the night sky.  The objects moved to the south, and disappeared over the horizon, south-southwest from the witnesses’ location.  Witness Report


We will update the website again, within the next several days, and will attempt to post more photos and illustrations than we are able to do in this posting.

Posted Friday night, February 03rd, 2017. 


We have performed an abbreviated update of the NUFORC website, with the posting of 70 recent written reports to our database of cases.  The cases include a number of very interesting incidents, to include a possible abduction, and a possible animal mutilation case, both incidents from the summer of 1967.

We urge visitors to our website, as they read through the cases, to be on the alert for hoaxed, and otherwise flawed, reports.  If you encounter a case that you believe may be flawed, or an out-and-out hoax that we have failed to detect, please send an e-mail to director@ufocenter.com, and we will review the case, as quickly as we are able to do so.


NUFORC has been receiving an unusually large number of reports recently of both the planet, Venus, and the star, Sirius.  Tonight’s posting is heavily “peppered” with many reports of a very bright object in the southwest, or west, sky, seen during the early and mid-part of the even evening.  Venus is so bright, currently, that many people find it difficult to believe that it is merely a planet, and oftentimes flatly refuse to accept that fact.  However, that bright object in the southwest sky is Venus, and we would be most grateful if people would refrain from telephoning our Hotline about it, and/or submitting a written report about it.  Such reports are taking a great deal of our time, and unnecessarily so.

The star, Sirius, is a very bright, and very colorful, star, that is seen currently in the southeastern, or southern sky, during the latter part of any evening.  It is easily identified by the fact that it is situated to the left of, and slightly below, the easily recognized constellation, “Orion,” and it is the brightest star visible from Earth.  Many people are reporting it as a “UFO,” but it is just a very visible star, and, like Venus, it need not be reported to our Center.  We are already aware of its existence.  Thank you!!


Peter is scheduled to make his weekly appearance on the radio program, Coast to Coast AM, hosted by Mr. George Noory, on Thursday night, January 26, 2017.  Peter usually makes his appearance, beginning at approximately 10:15 p.m. (Pacific).

We will update the website again, to include the posting of some interesting photos and video, within the next several days.

Statement posted on Thursday night, January 26, 2017.


We have updated our website, as of this date, with the posting of 99 new, or revised, sighting reports, most of which have been submitted to our Center since Thursday, January 12, 2017.  In our haste during the proofreading process, we may have overlooked errors and bogus reports, so we urge visitors to our website to be on the alert for errors and pranks, as they read through the new reports.  If you note an error, or suspect a hoax, please send a note to director@ufocenter.com, and we will look at the report, at our earliest convenience.

Peter Davenport is scheduled to appear for several hours on Midnight in the Desert, hosted by Heather Wade, beginning at 10:00 p.m. (Pacific), on Thursday night, January 19, 2017.  Peter will discuss his experiences in the field of ufology; his views about the U. S. press vis-à-vis UFOs; his thoughts regarding the U. S. government’s role in the presumed UFO cover-up; some thoughts about recently submitted sighting reports; and about his proposal to use “passive” radar to detect UFOs in the near-Earth environment.

Peter will make his weekly 3-5 minute-long appearance on Coast to Coast AM, hosted by George Noory, at approximately 10:15 p.m. (Pacific) on Friday night, January 20, 2017.  Peter will discuss several recent cases.

We would like to highlight two cases, which were submitted to our offices recently:

  • Tokishi Shima Island, Japan, June 1st (est.), 1966, @ 1200 hrs. (local): A former USAF radar operator alleges to have been witness to a radar intercept of what were interpreted by radar personnel to have been five disc-shaped objects, initially detected at approximately 25 (statute) miles to the north of the radar unit.  The source of the report asserts that three jet fighters were “scrambled” to the area where the discs were being detected, but that the discs appeared to avoid the aircraft by disappearing from radar, and perhaps from the pilots’ sight.  At least seven USAF personnel were witness to the alleged event.  Witness Report
  • Fort Collins, Colorado, Wednesday, January 18, 2017, @ 2330 hrs. (Mountain): A male engineering student reports having witnessed a cluster of 5-7 (est.) fluorescent green objects pass rapidly overhead, moving from south to north at a very rapid angular velocity, and disappearing from his sight in the northern sky.  The witness asserts that the formation of lights shifted from a chevron pattern, to a straight line, as they moved rapidly to the north, passing through approximately 100-120 degrees of arc in, he estimates, 5-10 seconds. Witness Report


Posted on Thursday night, January 19, 2017. 


The NUFORC website has been updated as of the evening of Thursday, January 12, 2017, with the posting of 72 new sighting reports, received since Friday afternoon, January 06th, 2017.

We have worked unusually diligently this week to remove errors from the reports, and to remove prank reports from the database, but there is always a possibility of flawed reports being posted to our site.  Hence, we always urge all visitors to our website to be on the alert for flawed, or hoaxed, reports, when reading through our database of sightings, given that virtually all of them are uninvestigated, and undocumented.


Peter Davenport, NUFORC Director, will make his weekly appearance on Coast to Coast AM radio program, hosted by Mr. George Noory, on Thursday, January 12, 2017.  Peter usually appears at approximately 10:15 p.m. (Pacific) for 3-5 minutes, and will discuss some recently received cases, to include the following:

  • East Orange, Vermont, Saturday, November 11, 1979, (est.) @ approximately 0130 hrs.: A father and son travel from Massachusetts to East Orange, Vermont, to overnight in their hunting trailer, and planning to be ready for opening day of deer season.  As they approach their trailer from the other side of a valley, they are at first confused by why the lights in the trailer are illuminated, and why they look so strange from a distance.  They quickly reason that it may be because a relative has arrived before them, and he is up late, waiting for their arrival.  They learn later that the relative was, in fact, still in Massachusetts, and had not traveled to Vermont at all, that weekend.  Very interesting case. Witness Report
  • Borrego Springs/Superstition Hill, California, June 1st, 1997, @ 1800 hrs. (PDT): Two young men are camped in an area where U. S. Navy jets are practicing low-altitude maneuvers.  Later that night, the side of Table Mountain suddenly is illuminated by a peculiar looking object, that simply rises slowly, and vertically, against the side of the mountain, and then descends back to where it had come from.  Shortly after that first sighting, the two men detected a “nebulous blob of sparkly lights” in the night sky. Witness Report



  • Orland Park, Illinois, Monday, September 05th, 2016, @ 0400 hrs. (CDT): A man, who describes himself as a public employee, awakes in his bedroom, and is alarmed to discover three peculiar wounds on his forearm, oriented in an isosceles triangular pattern.  He was possible witness to a peculiar flash of green light, possibly on that night, and allegedly on subsequent nights, as well.  Witness Report


NUFORC will update its site again, possibly over the upcoming weekend, or later next week.


NUFORC has updated its homepage, as of this date, with the posting of 104 newly received sighting reports, submitted since December 30th, 2016.  We encourage visitors to our website, as they read the reports, to be alert to the possibility of flaws in the reports, and out-and-out hoaxes.  We try our best to eliminate them, as we proofread them, but we know that we are not 100% effective in that endeavor.  If a person encounters what he or she believes is a defective report, please send a note to director@ufocenter.com, and we will survey the report, and either amend it, or delete it.


In our update of December 30th, 2016, we featured a report of an alleged event in Woodridge, Illinois, which, the witness reported to our Center, had occurred on December 23rd, 2016, and which had been captured with a photograph.  We had serious reservations about the photo, but, under time pressure to update our website, we posted it to our homepage, nevertheless.  We based our decision on a telephone conversation we had had with the witness, who assured us that the event had occurred as he described in his report, and that the photograph was authentic.

However, subsequent analysis of the photograph by Mr. Gene Weed, suggests to us now that the photo probably is the result of “fabrication,” and is not authentic.  We have posted Mr. Weed’s observations as an addendum to the original report.

We apologize for having misled anyone about the alleged sighting.


Peter Davenport, NUFORC Director, is scheduled to make his weekly appearance on the Coast to Coast AM radio program, hosted by Mr. George Noory, on Friday night, January 06, 2017, at 10:15 p.m. (Pacific).  Some of the reports that Peter will discuss during the program appear below:

In-flight; East Coast of Pennsylvania/Atlantic Ocean, Tuesday, December 26th, 2016, @ 21:30 hrs. (EST): The pilot and First Officer of a commercial flight headed south to Florida, witness a bright, flashing, light, estimated to have been approximately 2-3 times the apparent size of Venus, ahead of their aircraft, and at a higher altitude than their aircraft.  The object appears to both crew members to move significant distances, left and right.  The captain’s report, which arrived too late for us to include it in the updated NUFORC database, appears below:


100 Date:  12/26/2016

110 Time:  21:30

120 Duration:  10 min plus

130 Sighting City:  Over water

140 Sighting State:  PA

170 Witnesses:  2

172 Shape:  Light

168 Number of Craft:  1

180 Description: Solid/Flashing light over the Ocean

December 26, 2016.  While on a routine flight from New York to Miami, we saw a very unusual light.  We were in cruise at FL410, Mach .80, unlimited visibility with a temp of -55c, approximately 100NM off the coast near Atlantic City (close to Philadelphia), and on a true course of around 160.  Between 2130-2200 EST.

I looked up I saw a very large and bright flashing light, which I brought to the other pilot’s attention.  His response when seeing it was pretty much the same as mine…. “What in the hell?”… “What is that?”  The size of object is hard to tell.  The other pilot explains it as 3-4 times the size of the largest star around.  I think it was 4-5x.  The object was approximately 25-30 degrees up from our line of sight, when I first saw it.  Its range of motion was between the horizon (from what I could see) to around 35 degrees up from our line of sight.

At first sight the light was approximately at our 1 o’clock position. It moved to 12, 10, 11, back to 12.  At that time, the light appeared to move North, then south at a pretty rapid rate.  Or I would describe it as closer and further from our position as the size seemed to get larger and smaller.  The light ended in the 1st position and then moved out east and once at our 10 o’clock position disappeared.

The other pilot stated he could see an orange/red flash in between the white flashes.  We did flash our lights at it a few times, and the other pilot believes it flashed back in sequence; I felt the return flashes were probably coincidental, but possible.  The flashing didn’t really appear to have any pattern.  The whole incident lasted a minimum of 10 minutes.

Neither one of use have ever seen and/or heard of an occurrence like this.  We were going to report it to ATC, but mutually decided to let it be.  I have no explanation for what we saw, nor does the other pilot.  We did try to video the incident, but it wasn’t possible.

Signed, Captain


GRAND FORKS, NORTH DAKOTA, MARCH 1967, @ 12:00 p.m. (approx.): A USAF officer takes a photograph of a winter scene, with a clear, blue sky, and apparently photographs two objects that may have been hovering nearby.  The first reaction NUFORC had to the photo was that the objects might have been so-called “lens flares,” but there are elements of the photograph, and the orientation of the two objects in the photo, that seem to us to militate against that hypothesis.  We post below the statement that accompanied the photo, and include the photograph.  We invite comment.


Recently we were going through a huge stack of family pictures taken over many decades.

We were living in North Dakota at Grand Forks Air Force Base where my father ((deleted; an officer at)) a wing of nuclear armed B-52 bombers always on alert.  We underwent a three day whiteout blizzard with 60 MPH winds that buried our house in snow in early March 1967.  In between the houses the wind had blown the snow away to Canada since the ground is completely flat as far as the eye can see.

One from the front of the house is a picture of me digging out our car.  My father then took a boring picture a minute or two later of the flat area between the houses to show that the wind had scoured the open areas clean of any snow drifts. We didn’t think much of the picture at the time.

It wasn’t until 2016 when we were going through the pictures that we noticed what looks like two UFOs in the sky over our house!  Thought you might be interested because the picture is quite intriguing, to say the least!  No one in the family noticed anything unusual at the time the pictures were taken.

The picture was taken looking from Grand Forks AFB, back eastward towards the city of Grand Forks, about 20 miles away.  We were in the last row of houses on the base so there are no other dwellings in the picture.”


NUFORC will update its site again, during the upcoming week, and will include several other photos that have been submitted to our Center recently.

Posted Friday night, January 06, 2017.

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